While being fully aware of Grayson over the last nearly two years, I admit to only recently being introduced to Daniel Webster, Grayson’s political opponent, through Grayson’s colorful ads this past week. And what I have seen of Webster, so far, he seems like a soft-spoken, gentleman who might be overly polite because of his Christianly kindness. Thanks, Alan, for introducing Florida and the nation, for that matter, to the stark fissure between the insane elected class clowns and the American people.
Well, it appears for all Grayson’s and his poli-ops’ creative crafting of campaign ads against Webster they are backfiring … to Webster’s advantage … Dan has a 7 point lead. Heh!
In one of the most closely watched U.S. House races in the nation, Republican Daniel Webster now holds a 7-point lead over Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson in Central Florida’s 8th Congressional District, according to a new Sunshine State News Poll.
Webster, a former state senator, leads the freshman congressman 43-36 in the survey of 559 likely voters conducted Sept. 25-27. TEA (“Taxed Enough Already”) Party candidate Peg Dunmire drew 6 percent and NPA hopeful George Metcalfe garnered 3 percent, while 9 percent remained undecided (2 percent cited “other” and 1 percent refused to state).
Digging deeper, the numbers look even worse for Grayson as 51 percent of respondents said they had an unfavorable view of the Orlando-area congressman.
“Grayson has real problems here,” said Jim Lee, president of Voter Survey Service, which conducted the poll for Sunshine State News.
“He’s even more unpopular than the president, which is not surprising given how controversial he has been with his rhetoric, overall style and TV ads.”
Lee added, “It’s fascinating that both Grayson and the president have virtually the same image (a positive/negative ratio of 34/51), but Grayson is actually disliked more by independents (36/47 favorable/unfavorable) while Obama is only 36/37.”
Andy Sere, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee in Washington, D.C., said the Central Florida district “is ripe for a Republican pick-up, even if we weren’t running against Alan Grayson.”
Calling Grayson’s views “so far outside the maintstream,” Sere predicted that “a large swath of independents and conservative Democrats will hand him a resounding defeat in November.” […]
More of the breakdown (Central Florida’s 8th Congressional District race … and Grayson’s) @ Sunshine State News
P.S.: I want to add one thing that’s being missed here. The footage of Webster that Grayson hacked the “she should submit to me” soundbite from … I think people are missing the core point when discussing this. Webster’s message to the gathering is one of personal responsibility, self-reflectiveness, selfless sacrifice and giving, and not self-centeredness in your marriage. “She can pray that … if she wants to …”
I have published an open letter to the Congressional Committee on Standards and Official Conduct concerneing Mr. Grayson. I believe it will be covered next week in the Orlando Sentinal. You folks might want to go to my site redwhiteandtrueblue.us I have per instructions of a Congressman friend of mine sent a formal complaint to the Office of Congressional Conduct. Mr. Grayson like all Congressmen took an oath to at all times put accepted principle above party politics. I’m no Boy Scout and understand politics but he is a Congressman and should be held to that oath even on the Campaign trail.