5 thoughts on “The Din of A Rusty Nail in The “Progressive” Coffin”

  1. Why is it that all of these commies look the same? If you come to NYC [that’s not quite as bad as Berkeley, CA, but its almost as bad] and you look at these leftist women, they all have that look: the short hair, the dangling earrings, the next-to-no make-up. IN fact, they all look like little clones of each other.

  2. Beck aired soundbites of this one speaking recently. This one spoke in manner of end-stage cirrhotics, whose livers after years of excessive imbibing have turned to concrete and who often suffer what’s called ‘Wet Brain’. People with Wet Brain sound very much like this one does. Odd.

    They all look like and sound as does this one, asexual, doll-eyed, dressed in frumpy, dumpy, strange manner, slurring nonsense from their perpetually downturned mouths. Who could resist the allure of communism, eh? Encanto!

    Coward – Skiven are credited with creating Manhattan’s financial meltdown of the early 70s by signing up as many people as they could for welfare and other benefits. That was their trial run of what their chosen one is doing to America. Aren’t they clever? Just like juvenile delinquents who see how many appliances they can plug into one light socket, and then wind up burning down the house. What achievers these termites are.

    And at the end of their long career of preaching their destructive, death-dealing, garbage philosophy – which sounds like the rantings of locked-ward habitues – what do they have? Odd looks, strange speech, dwindling useful idiot followers, and a greatly enlightened citizenry who at last is seeing these warmed-over 60s bums for the cancer they always were.

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