California uber alles no more

Heading straight for the iceberg — and loving it!

Okay, riddle fans, here’s a toughie: What’s the difference between California voters and the passengers on the Titanic?

The passengers on the Titanic didn’t vote to hit the iceberg.

Most Americans understand that California is sinking. What is almost incredible is that it has voted to sink.

6 thoughts on “California uber alles no more”

  1. FTA: “…one more reason businesses and productive individuals are leaving, but rarely moving into, California” Yes, they’ve been doing that since the late 1980’s; Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, any place that allows one to breathe. They are flocking here to TX by the thousands — a steady and relentless stream, they are gobbling up huge swaths of real estate and establishing themselves. And I’m watching with a mixture of amusement and fear, for while I’m sympathetic to their plight, we don’t want their politics transplanted here to ruin our lives.

  2. One of the comments on this NR post ended beautifully. The greenies want control of the state. Imagine how small the carbon footprint will be when all the businesses leave. Too funny. Too sad.

  3. As a resident of this State of California………I am NOT going to just sit and watch as we go over the cliff.
    I intend to fight back by working as closely as possible with Hispanic conservative Organizations. How?….God, I don’t know. But the thought of just going with the tide down river has never entered my mind.

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