A seven minute interview. And the arrogant putz gets snippy because the reporter won’t allow him to filibuster for the entire seven minutes. He is notorious for granting such very limited time interviews when he knows he won’t be coddled and fawned over. Even with FOX’s Bret Baier. He grants those long interviews with CBS’s “60 Minutes” and others (Bill O’Reilly) who go along with his agenda, and believe he’s actually saying something when he opens his mouth, and the puzzle of big words and thoughtful pauses roll off his forked tongue. He never would have endured the eight years of MSM confrontation Pres. George Bush had to.
What’s sickly ironic in this clip is how he gets peeved at the local reporter for ‘not allowing him to finish answering’. The reporter obviously knows the guy is eating up the clock on purpose, and NOT really answering the questions. So the golfer/vacationer in chief gets angry with the working guy for doing his job … Classic. Recall how he treated Joe The Plumber for asking the tough questions?
HT: Mediaite
Those who are in love with themselves, or with how they see themselves, cannot deal with those who don’t share the infatuation. It figures.