Gosh, this just strikes me as something the Miami Herald ( English or Spanish) might have picked up?…Did you see it in either?…Gosh, sure seems that Luis Posada got PLENTY of coverage from The Herald prior to this…?
(H/T the good professor Tony de la Cova)
Uh, nobody likes to eat crow. Besides, Posada is no longer very useful, agenda-wise, and going there may in fact be counterproductive to a usual suspect. But never fear, another suitable bogeyman or whipping boy will be found (or fabricated, if need be).
I’ve had the very great honor to meet and break bread with this great hero, and champion for Cuba’s freedom. He deserves so much more than mere awards, but they are sweet indeed. If the U.S. government had any cojones, they’d award him citizenship and medals, and tell Chavez and the Castro’s just what. It’s a shame on all Americans that he’s been treated like a criminal instead of being recognized as a brave warrior defending liberty for Cuba and the U.S.
Mr. Luis Posada Carriles is a champion for our cause…He will always be remembered for his services to the cause of Freedom…….not only for Cuba…but for the United State of America. Luis Posada Carriles..a mans man!!