Statement by the Christian Liberation Movement on the death of its leader, Oswaldo Payá

From the website of the Christian Liberation Movement (MCL), a statement on the death of the organization’s leader, Oswaldo Payá (my translation):

Statement by the Christian Liberation Movement

oswaldo y haroldAt 16:oo hours on July 22nd, the fatal news regarding the death of Christian Liberation Movement leader Oswaldo Payá and MCL youth leader Harold Cepero was confirmed. The circumstances surrounding these deaths have not been clear and are open to speculation. For the time being, we demand that the Cuban military junta conduct a transparent investigation and we call on all of our friends who stand in solidarity with the cause for the liberty of all Cubans to maintain alert and support this demand.

We are a Movement and we will continue the struggle until we realize the dream of Oswaldo and thousands of Cubans to live in a free country.

The MCL appreciates the condolences that have come from all parts of the world, from governments, from politicians, and citizens who remain inspired to continue the work that began more than 20 years ago.

These are painful moments for the families of Oswaldo and Harold and our prayers and thoughts are with them. These are painful moments for the Christian Liberation Movement, but we will continue our commitment and our struggle within and outside the island until sovereignty and liberty is returned to the Cuban people.

Regis Iglesias Ramírez

Spokesperson for the Christian Liberation Movement

July 23, 2012

Ernesto Martini (MCL, La Habana, Cuba)  005352495372
Regis Iglesias (MCL, Madrid, Espàña) 696751283
Carlos Paya (MCL, Madrid, España) 680913331

Antonio Diaz (MCL, Miami, United States) 0013052443930

2 thoughts on “Statement by the Christian Liberation Movement on the death of its leader, Oswaldo Payá”

  1. This communique makes no mention that there were two foreign survivors and that Paya’s daughter said that her father’s vehicle was run off the road after repeated attempts by a passing vehicle.

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