Cuban dictatorship beats and arrests dozens during funeral of Cuban opposition leader

Via AFP:

Dissidents arrested at Paya funeral in Cuba

HAVANA — Cuban police arrested dozens of dissidents at the funeral of political activist Oswaldo Paya, after his daughter’s vow to seek justice over his sudden death in a road accident.

Those arrested included Guillermo Farinas, a leading rights activist, who was held for questioning by plainclothes police deployed outside the Havana church where Paya’s funeral was held.

Farinas, known for hunger strikes that drew attention to the plight of political prisoners in Cuba, and about 50 others were stopped by police after emerging from the funeral mass shouting slogans against the government.

They were forced onto two buses that the church had provided to take people to the cemetery where Paya was to be buried.

In a dramatic standoff that turned into a shoving match, dissidents started chanting “Freedom! Freedom!” before they were drowned out by about 100 pro-government activists roaring: “Long live the Revolution” and “Long live Fidel.”

7 thoughts on “Cuban dictatorship beats and arrests dozens during funeral of Cuban opposition leader”

  1. This is all a deliberate distraction to shift attention from the key issue, Payá’s murder, to peripheral or secondary players.

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