This is TIME Magazine’s latest cover. This is the way the liberals think. They have many gods, many they have made completely out of thin air. Conservatives have only one god. Our god is God.
This is Sen. Marco Rubio’s response to the TIME cover…
This is why Obamabots believe Obama is their “daddy” and their “boss”, completely outside the confines of what the Founding Fathers designed and designated the office of President of The United States to be.
Our leaders work for us. We are their boss. Even our first president, George Washington, resisted attempts to make him a king. Apparently the limo-lib elite class in this country has a problem with the rest of us parenting our own children, and making decisions about our families and our own lives for ourselves. Just because they need a script writer, a wardrobe woman, a caterer, and a director to get them through their lives does not mean the rest of us are so handicapped. As Ted Nugent says, “Will You Leave Us The Hell Alone?”
More: HotAir – “Video: Rubio enters the political/pop culture vortex and excels”
Hooray!…”a person of color” as Republican God!
Gee, I wonder if the “man of the cloth” with Rock is an Episcopalian. Ya think?
It’s astonishing anybody gives a Chris Rock the time of day except as an entertainer.