Hemingway’s blood-lust against Cuban anti-Communist patriots again revealed, now by our friends at Pajamas Media Radio


In fact, some of Hemingway’s Spanish Civil war chums lead the death squads trying to murder people like George Orwell!
Orwell, Georgehemingwayhemingway

“Ernest Hemingway had Stalinist chums from going back to the Spanish civil war, Spanish communists, not just Spanish leftists, but Spanish Stalinists, who were Hemingway’s chums during the Spanish civil war. These Spanish Stalinists then fled to the Soviet Union after Franco’s victory. And those were the first communists that the Soviet Union sent to Cuba, obviously because they were Spanish and they spoke Spanish. And most Cubans are Spanish anyway. And so Hemingway had connections with these guys, the Soviets in Cuba, from thirty years before Castro took over. He was well connected. And he would actually mix up Thermos bottles full of Daiquiris and bring them to Che’s firing squad massacres, pull out a picnic chair and watch them and gloat as innocent Cubans were murdered by communist firing squads.”

PJ media here.

Entire interview heard here on YouTube

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