1 thought on “Obama would have lost Florida if he had disclosed his intentions about Cuba”

  1. How many voters would Obama have lost if:

    they knew the extent of his big lie about Obamacare?
    they knew about the Iran capitulations in this new deal and the dangers?
    they knew about the idiocy of his Al Qaeda is on the run and Isis is junior varsity statements?
    they knew he was going to flood the country with illegal children and others inviting disease, new terrorists and criminals among them and then with the idea of reuniting families and then with the joy of making all illegals citizens so they could vote democrat?
    they knew the IRS’s definite tyrannizing of specific groups?
    they knew he would go into prisons to release many and of course to make them able to vote now?

    I could go on like this all day. I would have added if they knew how he would harm Israel, but no they already knew that and that didn’t bother them a bit. And it sure doesn’t seem to bother Christians that he is ignoring all the ways they are being destroyed.

    But then maybe they still wouldn’t care, I despair.

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