Patriarch Ras-Putin visits El Coma-Andante after saying farewell to Papa Che

Oye, Ras-Putin, tremenda barba, chicho… te la comistes…..te envidio!   Ñoooo!

Aaaaaaaaay!   Scary stuff, brothers and sisters.

Very scary.   Nightmarish.  Try not to stare at the image above for too long.

Patriarch Kiril of Moscow (a.k.a. Ras-Putin) has been given the royal treatment in Havana.  Lots of fun for him, surely: concerts, dinners, award ceremonies.

The royal family and their nobles showered the Russian staretz (holy man) with attention.

And, as expected, he was granted an audience with the Vampire King, El Coma-Andante.

No visit to the Castro Kingdom by any religious leader is complete without a photo session at the Vampire King’s tastefully decorated Requetepicuo Palace.

And no photo session is complete until the comely Vampire Queen shows up and gets her face in at least one picture.

Patriarch Ras-Putin also got to visit the spiffy Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Old Havana, which dates way back to 2006 and was built by Cuban slave labor.

Que maravilloso!  How inspirational!

Get all the details of this world-shaking event HERE, in Castellano, from ABC Spain



2 thoughts on “Patriarch Ras-Putin visits El Coma-Andante after saying farewell to Papa Che”

  1. Very apt choice of apparel color all around, which is probably the most honesty the Russian fraud can manage. Fidel, of course, was lecturing away on one of his countless areas of expertise, such as the fine points of Russian vodka or the most desirable luxury watch models. The presence of the First Witch is, naturally, inescapable. It must be one of her greatest joys to remind the world that she did, in fact, manage to get officially hitched to Nosferatu in his declining years, unlike all the other unofficial concubines–and she’s got official Castro spawn, too! And absolutely love the spanking new Russian Orthodox pile, which fits in so well in Havana–and must be such a comfort to countless Cubans packed like sardines into crumbling multi-family dwellings who can’t even dream of home renovations, let alone a new house of their own. Well, I suppose Cuba is obliged to be an exemplar of “magical realism,” if only in honor of Gabo’s services to the revolution. And yes, this is what it all boils down to: excruciatingly hollow and banal kitsch, or what Hannah Arendt called the banality of evil.

  2. After the fall of the USSR, the Russian Orthodox Church received official privileges, including the right to import duty-free alcohol and tobacco, which it could then sell for profit–lots of profit. So yes, the patriarch’s organization makes money off booze and nicotine. Imagine that.

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