Ardent greetings to working women and women toilers throughout the world who are uniting in one common family of labour around the socialist proletariat.
I wish them every success:
1) in strengthening the international ties of the workers of all countries and achieving the victory of the proletarian revolution;
2) in emancipating the backward sections of women toilers from intellectual and economic bondage to the bourgeoisie;
3) in uniting the peasant women around the proletariat—the leader of the revolution and of socialist construction;
4) in making the two sections of the oppressed masses, which are still unequal in status, a single army of fighters for the abolition of all inequality and of all oppression, for the victory of the proletariat, and for the building of a new, socialist society in our country.
Long live International Communist Women’s Day!
The butcher, Joseph Stalin, Pravda March 7, 1926
More on this communist propaganda holiday HERE.
If you must celebrate, please do so by standing up for women who cannot freely march in their streets. Women enslaved in dictatorships where they are denied human rights.
Women such as Cuba’s Las Damas de Blanco, marching every Sunday, in spite of beatings and arrests.
The woman speaking in the video, is Laura Pollan, former leader of Las Damas de Blanco. She was murdered by the Castro regime in 2012.
This past weekend, mirroring every weekend in Cuba, more than 50 Ladies in White were arrested.
Jaqueline Heredia Morales
Melquis Faure Echavarría
Lisandra Rivera Rodríguez
María del Carmen Cala Aguilera
Yunet Cairo Reigada
Xiomara de las Mercedes Cruz Miranda
Dayamí Lay Sangroni
Jaqueline Heredia Morales
Marieta Martínez Aguilera
Aimara Nieto Muñoz
Glenda Lobaina Pérez
Nora Lizet Hernández Buli
Marlén Parada
Maydolis Oribe Perdomo
Lisandra Rivera Rodríguez
Ariadna Álvarez Rensoler
Yolanda Carmenate Fernández
Adairis Miranda Leyva
Anairis Miranda Leyva
Maydolis Leyva Portelles