A message from a Cuban to Venezuelans: You should know what you’re going up against

Demonstration of Castro torture method they call “Shakira.”

A message from a Cuban, Juan Abreu, to Venezuelans trying to rid themselves of the dictatorship imposed upon them by Cuba’s murderous Castro dictatorship.

Via Emanaciones (my translation):

As I told you yesterday, Venezuelans, about civil war, that monstrous thing, I should be honest with you; that war guarantees you nothing. I should also warn you that you are going up against an organization made up of assassins who are the most sadistic and brutal on this planet. You should know that in Cuba there was a civil war as well. When the Castros came to power, Cuban citizens organized a formidable armed resistance in the cities and in the mountains. A failure. It was laid to waste.

You Venezuelans should know that the thugs of the Castro secret police (who are directing the repression against you Venezuelans) are brutal assassins and merciless. You should take into account that if you do confront them, there will be blood and death.

All I will say is that one of the methods used by the Castro DSE (the G-2 back in those days) consisted of tying anti-Castro insurgents by their feet to the back bumper of an automobile and dragging them through the reefs on the Cuban coast until all that was left was an unidentifiable mass of human flesh. I am mentioning just one of atrocious tortures among the many atrocious torture methods used by the killing machine of the Castro repressive organs that you will be going up against.

The Castro enemy is barbaric and cruel. Yes, that is even more reason to kill them, I agree. But you should know what you are going up against.