7 thoughts on “Meme of the Day: The sign the Cuban food just prepared for you will be lit”

    • Such scars are likely the result of a smallpox or BCG vaccine (against tuberculosis). The thing is, the smallpox vaccine was not widely distributed in the United States after 1972 and the BCG vaccine isn’t often used in the USA either, as tuberculosis occurs at a lower rate.

      You see where I am going here? Such scar is pretty much a giveaway that the person is foreign.

      This was brought to my attention by a girlfriend, while living in Latin America. She realized I didn’t have it and I soon noticed everyone else did.

      That said, the meme is insinuating that, as a foreign born, her culinary skills will be impressive. Yet, this joke must have been stolen from the Dominicans, Peruvians, or some other nationality, because we both know that in Cuba’s case, after 60+ years of food rationing and scarcity…

      Let’s just say one can be certain that, by this point, most Cubans from the marxist paradise (specially those born under the robolution) don’t even know what a traditional cuban recipe is unless they have travelled abroad or been among “los previlegiados”.

    • The vaccine scar was typical for Cuban refugees who came to the U.S. in the 60s and 70s. I was born in Miami and I remember as a kid feeling left out that I was the only one of all my friends and family who didn’t have that telltale scar on his arm.

      With that said, the meme implies, to me at least, that the person cooking is from el exilio histórico, is an “old-school Cuban,” if you will, and likely knows how to cook Cuban food the way it’s supposed to be cooked.

      • Indeed, if there was a competition for esoteric memes, that one could certainly compete.

        As I stated, USA stopped the practice of routine vaccination in 1972 while most of Latin America did not. Thus, if the person isn’t a baby boomer or an older xennial, yet has it, it is an almost certain giveaway that he/she is foreign.

        Granted, from what I’ve read, Cuba hasn’t stopped administering the BCG vaccine on newborns.

  1. Gallardo,

    Thanks for explaining, but unfortunately, the meme is so vague and unclear that its just going to go over a lot of people’s heads. By the way, a lot of Americans have those vaccination scars. The vaccination scars are more a giveaway of your age than of your place of birth. In the 1960s, all kids were vaccinated in American schools.

  2. Brilliant! My mom, all of my Tia’s, a few of my cousins, all of them were/are exceptional chefs from the island.

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