Striking Cuban coal workers and their wives threatened by government officials

Carboneros turn marabu weed into “artisanal” coal

From our very busy Bureau of Socialist Social Justice

As socialist Antifa goons continue to raise hell in the U.S. (despite the replacement of the Trumpinator by a cryptosocialist president), crying “We don’t want Biden. We want revenge for police murders, imperialist wars, and fascist massacres,” underpaid workers in Castrogonia continue to be abused and crushed by the island’s socialist government.

Castro, Inc. claims the workers have no right to complain or to stop working, despite the fact that their salaries have been reduced and they are owed some back pay.

Workers in Castrogonia are all slaves owned by the state. And the slave masters know exactly what to do to uppity slaves. How dare they complain! And how dare they involve their wives in their illegal activity!

Socialist social justice demands that they be barred from ever working again. Let them all starve more quickly than the rest of the population, all of whom are starving slowly.

So, this is socialist social justice: obedient slaves get the privilege of starving slowly, surly disobedient slaves earn the punishment of starving much more quickly.

Loosely translated from Marti Noticias

Coal workers from Las Tunas who are on strike and demanding a salary increase and the payment of pending bonuses, were summoned on Tuesday afternoon to the economic department of the Integral Agricultural Company, and pressured to return to work.

“These workers were threatened by company managers and by the State Security people, to end ” the strike “, and they were told that if they continued doing that they would be seen as “ counterrevolutionaries “, not as workers, and they could be subjected to a disciplinary measure that would prevent them from ever working again, that is, they would be expelled from the company, ”Apostolic Pastor Yoel Demetrio, president of the Missionary Church of Cuba, told Radio Martí, an institution that is providing support to workers and their families.

On Wednesday morning, the charcoal burners ‘wives appeared at the Las Tunas Provincial Prosecutor’s Office, where they delivered the workers’ complaint and claim, says Pastor Demetrio.

“A lawyer prepared all the documentation for them and they, with these pressures and fears, the men did not want to go to the Prosecutor’s Office to file a complaint; however, their wives decided to go to court themselves. When they arrived, the prosecutor did not want to receive the claim, so they protested strongly, and finally the written complaint was received, and they were told that they had to wait 60 days for a response, ” Demetrio explained.

The prosecutor also informed them that they had to go to the company’s Labor Justice Body, where in the afternoon they were received by the head of marketing, Nelson Batista Serrano, and the director, Jaime García Oquendo, the pastor stressed.

“There, those officials offended and mistreated these women, they complained that the information was already on Radio Martí, on CiberCuba and on social networks, and they told them that they really are counterrevolutionaries. And then they threatened those women, ordering them to go to the center where the charcoal makers work to tell their husbands that if they don’t work they will all lose their jobs, ” said the Pastor Demetrio.

The coal workers complaint is that they weree only paid 113 Cuban pesos (CUP) this month and have not yet received the extra stipend for the earnings derived from exports during the recently concluded year.

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