Santeria: African religion persecuted by Cuba’s racist and repressive socialist dictatorship

Victims of socialist racism

From our Bureau of Socialist Tolerance and Social Justice, with some assistance from our Enlightened Leftist Racism Desk

Never let it be said that Castro, Inc. has ever failed to be an equal opportunity repressor.

Every religion in Castrogonia is persecuted in various ways. Belief in any higher beings threatens Castro, Inc.’s monopoly on thinking, being, and acting. In other words, gods are not allowed.

And, as it turns out, Santería, the religion bequeathed to Cuba by its enslaved African workers, is as vulnerable as any other religion.

So, is the persecution of Santeria an expression of racism? You betcha. Has any leftist, anywhere, complained about this racism or tried to help Santeros (Free Yorubas) in Castrogonia? Dream on.

Cuban Black lives don;t matter. But don’t expect anyone with a Black Lives Matter sign on their lawn to admit it.


Members of the Association of Free Yorubas of Cuba (Asociación de Yorubas Libres de Cuba, or “Free Yorubas”) are regular victims of harassment by Cuban State Security.

?The association was founded in 2012 by Yorubas who disagreed with the Yoruba Cultural Association of Cuba, which is controlled by the government watchdog Office of Religious Affairs (ORA). Free Yorubas have been subject to arbitrary detentions and beatings, destruction of ceremonial objects, police monitoring, and searches-and-seizures without probable cause. State hostility towards the Free Yorubas seems to have escalated since early February 2020, when they challenged Ms. Caridad Diego, head of the ORA, to a public debate on freedom of conscience.

Free Yorubas Public Relations head Ms. Eliaisys Almeida Pavón was detained in Placetas, Villa Clara, on February 24. Executive Secretary and Vice President and married couple Ms. Donaida Pérez Paseiro and Mr. Loreto Hernández García were detained and threatened on March 11. Ms. Pérez alleges in her statement, the officials mocked all faiths, professing that “there is only one god, Fidel Castro,” and stating an obscenity about God, the saints, and orishas. On August 3, three members of the Free Yorubas were separately summoned to the Placetas, Villa Clara police station and threatened. On September 30, two Free Yorubas leaders were held overnight and beaten; one of the women left police custody with a broken arm.

The regime regularly uses police citations to harass and intimidate Free Yorubas and other believers independent of the state. The Global Liberty Alliance continues to monitor the Cuban regime’s treatment of the Free Yorubas and will fight for their freedom of belief.

1 thought on “Santeria: African religion persecuted by Cuba’s racist and repressive socialist dictatorship”

  1. Just like the usual suspects, the Castronoids only care about black lives they can use to their advantage. It’s NOT about being black per se; it’s simply a potentially useful tool. Any blacks that refuse to play along, especially if they are not just uncooperative but antagonistic, will be treated as enemies–and in Cuba, black enemies will be dealt with more harshly than white ones, because Massah Castro has always assumed and expected unconditional devotion and unalloyed gratitude from black Cubans. And yes, that IS racist.

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