From our Bureau of Glimpses Behind the Curtain with some assistance from our Bureau of Shocking Bombshell Revelations
ABC Spain has published a news report about the events of July 11 in Cuba by Alexis Rodriguez which is unlike any other that has yet appeared anywhere. Its many shocking details remain unconfirmed, but if true, point to a major fissure in the island’s power structure and to an unexpected vulnerability among its leaders that has never been seen before.
In brief: if all of this is true — or even just part of it — Cuba’s young protesters might have caused permanent damage to the country’s dictatorship.
The most significant items: 1. The oligarchs panicked; 2. Younger oligarchs refused to crush the protests Tiananmen Square-style, even though tanks were lined up to do that; 3. A plane was readied to take King Raul & others to South Africa; 4. King Raul has cancer; 5. Exit plans for the Castro dynasty were put into effect; 6. Trucutú Díaz-Canel was shut out of all crucial deliberations.
Dear Lord, may all of this be true. If so, the end of Castrogonia might indeed be in sight. But these might all be mere rumors.
Loosely translated from ABC Spain (h/t to Asombra)
Panic broke out at the apex of Cuba’s power structure last Sunday, July 11, when protests erupted violently in Havana. The images of the riots in front of the Capitol go around the world and the Cuban government finds itself helpless, realizing that their internet shutdown on the island has failed to stop the protesters because young people use virtual private networks (VPNs) to circumvent censorship.
The military meet urgently at the Security Council with Raúl at the head and without the participation of President Miguel Díaz-Canel, who has been removed from their midst by sending him to the streets of San Antonio de los Baños to calm the spirits of the population. The ‘hitchhiker’, as the military calls the president contemptuously, is booed, his bodyguards pushed, and the president consumes in those days what little capital he had.
In those Security Council meetings there are scenes of tension with screams, discussions, disagreements and resignations that had never been experienced in the upper echelons of Cuban power. Faced with the impossibility of agreeing on the measures to be taken to stop the protests, and given that the youngest generals of the Army and the PNR (National Revolutionary Police) refuse to use force against the civilian population, the military personnel most closely allied to Raúl and the secret services implement the escape plan that they always have prepared for highly dangerous situations that affect Raúl Castro’s safety. The old leader, who is 90 years old and receiving treatment for his cancer of the esophagus and rectum, also suffers from chronic liver cirrhosis from his long-standing addiction to alcohol.
The secret services, created by an old group of Gallegos and Canarios trained by the Stasi and the KGB, have the Ilyushin Il-96 ready at the small civil airport of Baracoa. The most logical destination would be Venezuela, but perhaps out of fear of the same chaos there and other aspects considered in an emergency analysis, they decide that the most feasible option is South Africa.
The long-range, wide-body Il-96 can get there with no problem. South Africa does not have an extradition treaty with Cuba, the leaders of the regime have businesses worth hundreds of millions of dollars in that country: in fact, López Calleja, the master of Gaesa, the conglomerate of state-owned companies, was in South Africa just over a month and a half ago. In addition, there they have old friends who owe him favors since the time of the Angolan war. A few hours later, as soon as the Government regained control of the internet using its cyber expertise and the military regained control of the streets with the rapid deployment of the three armies and the brutal repression with military forces, the escape plan was deactivated.
The revolt for freedom in Cuba has so far created hundreds of detainees and an unknown number of dead and wounded, even though the military did not get to take to the streets the battle tanks that they had lined up and ready in the Bosque de la Habana, a beautiful metropolitan park of 700 hectares in the capital.
I hope everyone reading this knows that Sean Hannity had a marvelous hour last night, 7/21, in Miami with lots of Cuban Americans and with DeSantis, Rubio and another Cuban Congresswoman. It was beautiful.
I hope the Cuban people knew it was on.
It was on opposite Biden’s town hall, but I can’t believe that was more viewer drawing than this.
I saw it Honey, it was great, but I suspect that they may have been one mole in the crowd or if not a mole a truely dimwitted moron. They asked this woman about how she felt about what was going on in Cuba and about the prospect of a free Cuba and this dimwit and/or mole said, “I Want to reclaim my lost house and property!” She couldn’t have been better propaganda for the regime if castro himself cameback from the dead and started talking sh*t!
There may be at least some truth to this, but the question is how much. I’ve no doubt the top regime people all have some sort of plan in place in case they have to leave in a hurry, including money and probably property abroad. None of them has any intention of facing any kind of prosecution in Cuba. And Venezuela would not be the best destination, though I expect South Africa was meant to be a temporary one.
How do we get the money they stole from the Cuban people out of them? That is the big question.
I hope that this is true, but if it is, it goes to show you how truely fragile the regime is. Its sort of like the bully who has been bullying you so long and you finally stand up to him and he buckles at your first sign of resistance. If this is true, GOD, did we waste time!!!! We could have had those parasites off our backs years ago! By the way, if Cuba is every free, I hope that we learn a lesson from the Jews who have hunted Nazis where ever they’ve moved to. If Raul Castro is still alive even if he is hooked on to life support, he needs to be hunted down as well his daughter, the hideous Mariela, that entire family including Lopez-Callejas, the Yachting Antonio and the cave man looking grandson who is Raul’s bodyguard, etc…
We’d be denounced as hate-filled and vindictive, meaning we’d never get support like the Jews did.