Surprise! Cuba spends much more on apartheid tourist industry than on public health, education, or agriculture

Socialist apartheid paradise: Cuba for tourists

From our Bureau of Socialist Social Justice Priorities

No, Mildred, this can’t be true! Please tell me it’s just another lie concocted by those loathsome exiled Cubans!

You know, Mildred, those troglodytes at Babalu keep badmouthing the Revolution’s wonderful tourist industry. They just did it again a few days ago!

Sorry, Dwight, dear…. the statistics come straight out of one Castro, Inc.’s ministries…. They’re very proud of this accomplishment!

Socialist apartheid paradise: Cuba for Cubans

Loosely translated from Diario de Cuba

The state National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI) published a report on the semi-annual investment in Cuba that ratifies the greater weight that the Cuban Government grants to business services, real estate and rental activities – which include tourism -, to the detriment of sectors such as public health and education, as the economist Emilio Morales already analyzed in DIARIO DE CUBA.

In an examination of the new ONEI report, the economist Pedro Monreal considered that sector investment in the Island “maintained a deformed structure in the first half of 2021.”

Business services, real estate and rental activities concentrated 45.5% of the total investment of the State, compared to 3.1% dedicated to agriculture, 0.8% to public health and 0.6% to science and innovation.

According to Monreal, “there were changes with respect to the data for the first quarter of 2021”, but without any impact on the final result.

According to the official data published, the weight of business services, real estate activity and rental fell from 50.3 to 45.5%, investment in health went from 0.3 to 0.8% and industrial investment increased from 9.6 to 13.2% of the total investment “.

However, the accumulated investment data in Cuba from January to June 2021 indicate that investment in “business services, real estate and rental activities (which include tourism)” was 56.8 times greater than investment in health and 14 , 5 higher than agricultural investment.

Continue reading HERE in Spanish

2 thoughts on “Surprise! Cuba spends much more on apartheid tourist industry than on public health, education, or agriculture”

  1. Of course. Tourists generate real revenue for the regime; ordinary Cubans do not and cost it money (albeit as little as the ruling class can possibly manage). The math is very easy, even though the decency is nil.

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