Cuban court sentences 129 protesters to a total of 1,916 years in prison

Absolutely illegal ingratitude

From our Bureau of Socialist Compassion and Tolerance

Protesters from two of Havana’s poorest neighborhoods have been sentenced to an average of roughly fifteen years in prison per person. Of 129 who were tried none were acquitted, and some received sentences as long as thirty years of imprisonment. Age made no difference in the length of sentences doled out, and neither did health issues.

Socialism in action once again! Day after day, the socialist steamroller keeps moving, making life better for Cubans, crushing all dissent, making sure that ingratitude is severely punished and the wise men of the military junta remain secure on their thrones, as untroubled as possible, with their minds totally focused on improving everyone’s life in unexpected ways, as they have been doing for six decades with astounding results.

“Social justice” doesn’t get any more splendid than this: Those who live in extreme poverty must be locked up for as long as possible if they are ungrateful enough to complain.

Ingrates! ALL OF THEM should have been given 30-year prison sentences! How dare they complain!

Loosely translated from Diario de Cuba:

Cuba’s dictatorship made public the sentences against the protesters of 11J in the Toyo Corner and the following day in La Güinera, two of the Havana neighborhoods where the protests led to clashes between the repressive forces and hundreds of people.

According to the sentences of the People’s Provincial Court of Havana released on Wednesday, of the 129 prosecuted for these acts, only one was not convicted, while the rest were sanctioned for the crimes of theft and sedition, a political crime. the latter that the regime uses to punish protest.

According to the note published on the official website of the Supreme Court, the 129 prosecuted between December 2021 and last February were accused and sentenced for “committing and causing serious disturbances and acts of vandalism, with the purpose of destabilizing public order, collective security and citizen peace”.

The totality of the sentences adds up to 1,916 years of deprivation of liberty. Most are for more than ten years, highlighting 30 years in prison for Dayron Martín Rodríguez and Miguel Páez Estiven, and 26 for Wilmer Moreno Suárez.

Likewise, the 17-year-old minor Brandon Luis Becerra, who served 18 years in prison and had a prosecutor request for five years in prison without internment, was sentenced to 13 years.

Walnier Ruiz Aguilar, whose family has denounced that he suffers from an intellectual disability, was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

Only two of the defendants received six years in prison and one four. The latter was the lowest sentence of all those imposed. For his part, says the sentence, the defendant Nayn Luis Marco Molinet “was acquitted by the court for not showing his participation in the events.”

Continue reading HERE in Spanish

1 thought on “Cuban court sentences 129 protesters to a total of 1,916 years in prison”

  1. Serves ’em right, the ungrateful wretches. How dare they expect more than “free” health care and education, of whatever quality or integrity? Who do they think they are, anyway? Canadians? Besides, nothing that even remotely threatens the “revolution” can be tolerated. Patria y dictadura !

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