Top Latinx socialist advocate for Cuban dictatorship caught wearing un-socialist garb

From our Do As I Say, Not As I Do Bureau, with some assistance from our Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others Bureau and some input from our Marx Sisters Bureau

Bernie Sanders: “You don’t necessarily need a choice of
eighteen pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country.”

3 thoughts on “Top Latinx socialist advocate for Cuban dictatorship caught wearing un-socialist garb”

  1. So she’s a hypocrite. That’s perfectly OK, if you’re a leftist. It’s only bad if you’re not–and she knows it.

  2. Oh, well, at least the outfit is combatant-green. Only accessories missing are a beret and a rifle.

  3. She’s like a Bianca Jagger wannabe, but Bianca was better at it, and certainly less of a hypocrite. Actually, AOC’s hair looks like shit in that photo, and her face is what my mother would have called cara de tranca.

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