Cuban dictatorship opens gourmet culinary festival at apartheid resort enclave while Cubans starve

Food for superior beings only

From our Bureau of Extreme Shamelessness with some assistance from our Let Them Eat Cats and Rats Bureau

Le zumba! Now, this is what you can call infinite chutzpah. Castro, Inc. has outdone itself. Food has never been so scarce and in the midst of this famine you hold an international culinary festival at one of your apartheid resorts.

And then, to top it off, you announce your food fest by employing ridiculously offensive platitudes that are so out of touch with the reality your people are experiencing that they actually mock and taunt them mercilessly. Take a close look at the highlighted phrases in the article below.

Socialism in action! Some animals are more equal than others, as Orwell’s pigs say in his novel Animal Farm. And, speaking of Orwell, Castro, Inc. has added a new maxim —“Hunger is Bliss”— to the three maxims created by Orwell’s Ministry of Truth in his novel 1984

Yeah. Add that to these three: “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery,” and “Ignorance is Strength.” 

Food for Cubans (“ground beef”)

Abridged and loosely translated from Diario de Cuba:

Prime Minister Manuel Marrero opened the 12th edition of the Varadero Gourmet International Festival in Cuba’s main resort, a gastronomic forum for tourism that is held while food shortages worsen and the Government rations free-sale bread, according to the authorities, the shortage of flour.

Based at the Plaza América Convention Center, the meeting will be in session until September 15 and, according to its organizers, “will seek to promote the principles of healthy, sustainable cooking and food sovereignty,” reported the state-run Agencia Cubana de Noticias news agency.

The Varadero Gourmet program includes conferences, exhibitions, business days and competitions, in addition to tasting, cooking and cocktail competitions, tours of exhibition areas where various hotels and firms offer their products, as well as a day of negotiations with businessmen and specialists linked to the marketing, management and training of beverages and food in the state and private sectors.

The conference “Ecogastronomy and agroecology: Fashion or necessity?” will also be given by Madelaine Vázquez Gálvez, from the Cuban Society for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Respect.

The purpose of Varadero Gourmet is “to renew the existing offers in tourist facilities, promote the exchange of experiences among connoisseurs of the sector and position Cuba as a quality destination in restaurant services, bars and canteens,” the report states.

Convened by the Empresa Extrahotelera Palmares S.A., of the Ministry of Tourism, the event would also seek to “revolutionize the concept of cooking through healthy and sustainable food,” reported Prensa Latina.

According to MINTUR, this is one of the three important meetings held this year in the country in this sector, along with the International Tourism Fair and the International Nature Tourism Event.

Whole story HERE

1 thought on “Cuban dictatorship opens gourmet culinary festival at apartheid resort enclave while Cubans starve”

  1. As long as they feel powerful enough, they’ll keep doing this sort of shit. They don’t care how bad it looks, because they’ll just keep blaming the “blockade” or whatever, and they know the usual suspects will keep covering for them. Over 60 years of getting away with murder makes people think they always will.

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