Communist Cuba continues to work hand-in-hand with Russia’s Putin to destabilize Latin America and support Venezuela’s dictatorship. Yet many of the same people who despise Putin love the Castro regime.
Cuban and Russian Military Arrived Disguised as Tourists in Venezuela
The renowned Venezuelan island of Margarita received 456 alleged Russian and Cuban tourists as part of an assumed plan of Nicolás Maduro’s regime to boost tourism; however, sources assure that within this group there are also members of the military.
The regime claims that this is a “strategic plan” within the framework of the “reactivation of the Moscow-Porlamar charter operation,” launched in 2021.
“Tourists (Russians) were arriving and were coming in good numbers until February, when the war broke out, and what is being done now is to resume that operation,” Viviana de Vethencourt, president of the island’s Chamber of Tourism, told EFE.
The passengers arrived aboard a charter flight of the Russian airline Nordwind, which had been working for months to operate in a “neutral” route avoiding U.S. and European airspace.
However, intelligence specialists assure that within this group of tourists there are also military personnel.
“Venezuela is greatly increasing military operations and is using tourism as a cover to get foreign military in,” Joseph Humire a specialist in global intelligence and security explained to El American.
“I don’t know in detail what Maduro is up to, but I’m afraid he is preparing something with Venezuela’s borders and above all, the maritime part. What I can assure is that they are not all tourists and that there are camouflaged military personnel,” he added.
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Columbia is next. They have a leftist president and a communist neighbor. Colombians best get armed and ready for a fight. The FARC is not in the jungle, it is in your government. A Venezuelan man told me twenty years ago that Venezuela was too rich and powerful to turn communist like Cuba. My warning went unheeded.