Three survivors of Cuba’s Bahia Honda Massacre arrive in the U.S., tell the true story of what happened

After a Cuban Coast Guard ship rammed a boat filled with Cuban refugees in Bahia Honda, killing 7, including a 2-year-old girl, the communist dictatorship has desperately tried to hide its bloody hand in the massacre. But no amount of lies from the regime or propaganda from its state-run media can hide the truth.

Three Cuban refugees who survived the attack this past October have finally been able to escape the island prison and are now in the U.S. And as expected, their version of the events that took place that day in Bahia Honda do not match the Castro regime’s official version (via Periodico Cubano – my translation):

Three Cubans who survived the sinking of a fast boat in Bahia Honda last October were able to arrive in the U.S. via boat. They are telling their version of what took place, which disproves the official version put out by the Interior Ministry [State Security].

Daniel Beovides, Kenny Duke, and another Cuban arrived on the coast of Florida just a few days ago and on Thursday, Radio Martí was able to contact the first two to get their version of the events.

Beovides confirms the boat had indeed tried to evade capture by the Coast Guard, but at the moment they were rammed, they were stationary and not offering any resistance.

This is not an isolated incident in Cuba under the Castro dictatorship. The Cuban regime has a long history of murdering those who try to escape, one that is unfortunately as long as the history of the international community turning a blind eye to the Castro dictatorship’s crimes against humanity.

1 thought on “Three survivors of Cuba’s Bahia Honda Massacre arrive in the U.S., tell the true story of what happened”

  1. Oh, but the Biden admin said it was an accident, and it has access to any number of Cuba experts. Maybe the New York Times will investigate and sort this out. Or maybe not.

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