Neither the communist Castro dictatorship nor its American spy feel any regret for putting U.S. national security at risk or killing Americans. But Biden will likely reward the Cuban regime anyway.
Jose Cardenas explains in The Washington Times:
Ana Belen Montes: Unrepentant spy for an unrepentant regime
Traitor Montes a stark reminder of Cuba’s threat
The release this month of former U.S. intelligence analyst and Cuba spy Ana Belen Montes from federal prison after serving an absurdly lenient 20-year sentence is a stark reminder of the ongoing threat the island’s regime poses to U.S. interests, not only regionally but globally.
Ms. Montes — a “true believer” — was unrepentant upon her release for her treachery on behalf of the Castro regime, just as the regime remains unrepentant about its six-decade record of human rights abuses and asymmetrical warfare against the U.S.
In a statement after her release, she said, in part: “I encourage those who wish to focus on me to focus instead on important issues, such as the serious problems facing the Puerto Rican people or the U.S. economic embargo against Cuba.
“Who in the last 60 years has asked the Cuban people if they want the United States to impose a suffocating embargo that makes them suffer?”
This from an individual who, in her espionage career, betrayed some 450 U.S. operatives, sabotaged a top-secret satellite program, undermined U.S. policy in Central America, distorted the U.S. government’s views on Cuba, and leaked U.S. military information that led to the 1987 death of Sgt. Gregory Fronius, a U.S. Green Beret killed in El Salvador.
Now that Ms. Montes gets to spend the remainder of her life in freedom on the beaches of Puerto Rico, it is important to draw the right lessons from this whole sordid episode.
Continue reading HERE.
Regrets? That’s a bourgeois weakness, and it’s a luxury (like truth) that evil cannot afford. Gets in the way.
As for ABM, I’m sure she does not see what she did as treason. I expect she sees herself as a member of a “colonized” people, and the fact they’ve lived off the US for ages does not enter into her calculations.
So glad she is living in Puerto Rico. Hopefully she will move to Cuba.
Move to Cuba? She’s not that stupid. She can live far better in PR and she knows it.