Cuban mothers forced to donate breast milk for starving infants as food shortages worsen in Cuba

Latrine American socialist utopia

From our Bureau of Socialist Agriculture with some assistance from our Bureau of Latrine American Queues and Breast Pumps

Cuba was once one of the world’s top sugar producers, but now sugar is scarce, despite imports. Rice is an essential food staple in Cuba, an integral element of its cuisine, but now rice is hard to find. Oil is another essential element of Cuban cooking, but that, too, has disappeared from store shelves.

One of the many items in short supply is formula for infants. To alleviate this problem, Castro, Inc. has begun to collect breast milk from mothers who have recently given birth. Knowing how Castro, Inc. works, its Ministry of Truth will say that these mothers are patriotic “volunteers” who haven’t been strong-armed at all. Yeah. Sure.

Welcome to the wonderful world of socialism/communism. Castro, Inc. will blame all these shortages on the “blockade” and people all over the world will believe that lie because no one seems to know that the embargo doesn’t apply to food and that Cuba imports tons of food from the U.S.

Lining up for food in Cuba

Loosely translated from Cubanos Por El Mundo

Rice, sugar and oil have disappeared from Cuban stores, as their low production has increased their scarcity in the different provinces of the island.

The Global Information and Alert System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) affirmed in its first bulletin of 2023 on Cuba that Cubans will continue to struggle with severe food shortages.

According to the information provided by the GIEWS, rice will be one of the scarcest foods on the island, since the 2023 grain planting will once again be less than what is required.

The FAO forecast that the planted area will decrease for the fourth consecutive year and remain at below average levels due to the persistent lack of agricultural supplies.

In Pinar del Río, one of the provinces where the grain is most produced, there will be a low level of planting, due to the damage suffered by the irrigation system after Hurricane Ian and inaction from the dictatorship.

Added to the failures of the irrigation system is the lack of chemical fertilizers, which has led Cuban farmers to use biofertilizers that have not given good results.

The report indicated that, in Cuba, there will not only be a deficit of rice, but also of sugar and oil, highly demanded foods in the country that, for centuries, was a world sugar power and now has no sugar.

Continue reading HERE in Spanish

1 thought on “Cuban mothers forced to donate breast milk for starving infants as food shortages worsen in Cuba”

  1. Under Stalin people in Ukraine would eat their dead. Just something to keep in mind down the road. For the survival of the revolution such sacrifices must be made.

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