Happy 20th anniversary, Babalú

From 2005 through 2013, it was my privilege to be a writer on the best blog writing about Cuban affairs on the Internet. It all started with a phone call from Val, and it went from there. Those were difficult years in Cuba; little did we realize that we would still be discussing the disaster that is that sad island in 2023. Especially after the death of the monster in 2016.

My fondest memories are the Cuba Nostalgia events we participated in with the folks here in Miami, enjoying unabashed and unashamed Castro bashing, rum drinking, cigar smoking, and for those inclined, dancing.

BabaluBlog was, and still is by far, the best resource for real news — unvarnished truth–about Cuba and what goes on that sad island.

Happy 20th anniversary!

Anyway, IMHO, this is the best piece I ever wrote on Babalú, on the day of the death of Fidel Castro:

The monster is dead