Remembering Cuba’s July 11 protests around the world and the 43rd anniversary of the Canimar Massacre

Sometimes, it feels like there isn’t a day in the year when a heinous crime against humanity wasn’t committed by the communist Castro dictatorship.

Via the Center for a FREE Cuba:

Remembering Canimar Massacre OTD, 11J protests in Madrid and DC

On this day [July 6] in 1980, agents of the Cuban government attacked and sank the riverboat “XX Aniversario” on the Canimar river killing over 45 Cubans to prevent the vessel being taken to freedom. Remember them.

Next week will mark the two year anniversary of the nationwide 11J protests in Cuba. Two years will have passed and today there are over a thousand political prisoners in Cuba, and most of them were jailed during those nonviolent protests.

The Madrid based human rights organization, Prisoners Defenders, places the total number of identified political prisoners in Cuba today at 1,033. Justicia 11J that has carefully tracked those arrested during the 11J protests in July 2021 identified 1,852 of those detained in the demonstrations. 910 of them have been tried and/or sanctioned, and 776 of these protesters remain in prison.

This anniversary will mark the death of two identified non-violent protesters killed by government agents on July 12, 2021.

There are others, but the regime has terrorized their families into silence.

Last month Amnesty International observed the one-year anniversary of the show trials against Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and Maykel “Osorbo” Castillo Pérez demanding their immediate release.

Events will be held around the world to mark this anniversary, and reflect on Cuba’s pro-democracy movement.

On Monday, July 10th at 10:30am Members of Congress will host a roundtable discussion in Hialeah with pro-democracy Cuban activists that will be live-streamed on YouTube.

On Tuesday, July 11th at 11am in Madrid, Spain Cuba Dice No (Cuba Says No) will gather together with other activists in front of the Congress of Deputies (Plaza de las Cortes next to the statue of Miguel de Cervantes) to call on Spanish legislators to side with Cuba’s democratic forces and not the dictatorship.

On Tuesday, July 11th at 7:00pm a vigil will be held at the Cuban Embassy on the two year anniversary of the 11J protests in Cuba. It is co-organized by the Center for a Free Cuba, Cuba Decide, Instituto Patmos, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, and the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba.

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