Video of one of Fidel Castro’s false predictions sparks intense ridicule on social media

Gracias por todo, Fidel

From our Bureau of Unmasked False Prophets with some assistance from our resident psychic’s cousin, Madame Carnaque La Magnifique

Ha! Back in 1990 Emperor Fidel predicted that in the future, foreigners would visit Cuba to admire its “social advancements” rather than to enjoy dream holidays on the island’s beaches.

Well, everyone in Cuba knows how that prediction turned out. Unfortunately there are still far too many idiots who actually do travel to Castrogonia to visit its many Potemkin-village schools, clinics, and cooperative farms. These idiots, however, seldom see the real Cuba. And, of course, those beaches are now dotted with apartheid hotels and resorts that cater exclusively to vacationing foreigners.

Cubans on social media are slicing and dicing this recently uploaded video of Emperor Fidel predicting a bright future. See this very short video HERE

Loosely translated from Diario de Cuba

A video on social networks highlights a phrase from the 1990 dictator Fidel Castro in which he assured that more people would go to Cuba “to see social development” than to its beaches.

The video was shared by the Tik Tok user, who identifies himself as yunpingon.oficial, under the title “Thank you for everything, Fidel” in which a comparison of the phrase said at the beginning of the 90s is made with current images of the “social development” of the island.

While Fidel asserts that Cuba will be an example of “social development”, the images show the accumulation of garbage in front of old buildings in an urban area of the island.

At the end, the video is finished off with an expression of a Cuban pioneer in an open gallery, shouting “Thank you for everything, Fidel”, an expression that does not escape the users of the aforementioned social network, in which they considered that “Cuba is advancing… ”.

The publication, released this Saturday, has already generated almost 31,000 likes and more than 2,500 comments, in which the current “unfortunate situation” in Cuba is pointed out, very distant from the benchmark promised more than 30 years ago.

“He was referring to social development in the keys, in Varadero,” an Internet user ironically pointed out, while another opinion stressed that “socialism is synonymous with misery, decadence.”

Another opinion reads: “Fidel did not lie. Yes, there is social development, but of their family and friends”.

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1 thought on “Video of one of Fidel Castro’s false predictions sparks intense ridicule on social media”

  1. If you read Learning to Die in Miami, the Professor’s second memoir about Cuba and his exile from Cuba, you can see the wonder of the child at the advances in technology he experiences in Florida even though the new Cuba is only two years old. Already Castro has destroyed so much that even the smallest thing in Florida amazes the child at its cleverness. because so much has been lost as Communism has taken over the Cuba he has left.

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