Surprise! Cuba ranked as one of the most despotic countries on earth

From our Bureau of Socialist Latrine American Totalitarian Hellholes with some assistance from our Bureau of Rankings That Should Be Even Lower Than They Are

Once again, Cuba is at the bottom of the barrel, along with the worst repressive states on the planet. The only surprise here is that it is not listed at the very bottom.

The ranking was calculated by the Global State of Democracy Initiative.

Loosely translated from Marti Noticias

Cuba remains among the least democratic countries in the world, according to the Global State of Democracy 2023, presented this Thursday in Stockholm by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).

The data shows the island at the bottom of the lists of political participation, representation, human rights and rule of law, alongside regimes such as Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Eritrea, Syria, Afghanistan and Venezuela.

This time, IDEA divided the analysis into categories, rather than classifying the regimes on a general basis.

Cuba’s worst performance is reflected in the section of political and public participation, where it ranks 165th. In representative government it ranks 149th, in human rights (144th) and in the rule of law (151st).

IDEA assures that the island “exhibits poor performance in all categories” of the Global State of Democracy, “as it does not hold competitive multiparty elections and limits civil liberties.”

Furthermore, he warns that “life expectancy and well-being have decreased, while emigration is at levels not seen since the 1960s.”

1 thought on “Surprise! Cuba ranked as one of the most despotic countries on earth”

  1. I regret to inform you that “:free” health care, not to mention “free” education, of any sort, makes up for all possible, uh, shortcomings or limitations. This was officially established ages ago. Case closed.

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