Senate legislation introduced to impose sanctions over China’s spy base in Cuba

The ruling communist parties in China and Cuba are strengthening their ties with the Chinese, building a base for espionage just 90 miles from the U.S. Five U.S. Senators have introduced legislation to sanction that threat. The CEASE Act (Countering Espionage and Surveillance Entities in Cuba) aims to sanction any individuals or companies that provide assistance or material support for the building of the Chinese spy base in Cuba.

The Center for a FREE Cuba has the report:

5 US Senators introduce legislation to impose sanctions related to Chinese Spy Base in Cuba

China’s expanding espionage role in Cuba has drawn the attention of five Senators who on November 7th introduced “the Countering Espionage and Surveillance Entities in Cuba (CEASE) Act, legislation to impose sanctions on any foreign person that has engaged in a significant transaction or provided material support to or for a Chinese military or intelligence facility in Cuba.”

Washington is reappraising its relationship with China.

Mr. Guillermo Marmol, Chairman, Center for a Free Cuba, Ms. Mary Curtis Horowitz, Vice Chair, Center for a Free Cuba, and Ambassador Otto J. Reich, President, Center for a Free Cuba on June 9, 2023 in an appeal to “the chairs and ranking members in the U.S. Senate of the Intelligence, Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, and in the U.S. House of Representatives of the Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Armed Services Committees calling on them to address an urgent matter jeopardizing U.S. national security, the establishment of a major Chinese electronic eavesdropping facility 90 miles from the United States.” The appeal requested that these Members of Congress:

  1. Take immediate action before this plan moves forward. Minimally, all initiatives between Washington and Havana, including closing the US Embassy in Cuba should be put on the table.
  2. Hold hearings, and to urge President Biden, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to move promptly on this urgent threat.

On June 14, 2023 CFC executive director John Suarez and Chinese dissident Jianli Yang co-authored an OpEd in The Washington Times titled “China’s decades-long military presence in Cuba goes beyond espionage” that explored the highs and lows of a relationship that began in 1960 between Communist China and Communist Cuba, and their joint plans for the wider region today. Plans that extend beyond spying on the United States, and shifting the world order away from U.S. dominance.

On November 7, 2023 Lord David Alton, a member of the British House of Lords, tweeted a quote from the June 14th OpEd on China’s global vision. Washington Times: “China’s decades-long military presence in Cuba goes beyond espionage – ?@POTUS? ..seeks competition, not conflict, with China, but President Xi Jinping has other plans… a new international world order in its totalitarian image.” In addition to the concerns about espionage, this is what policy makers need to analyze, and take into consideration.

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