Hard evidence: Cuban mercenaries filmed in trenches at Ukraine war front

Cuban cannon fodder in Ukraine

From our Bureau of Colonial Subjects Used as Cannon Fodder

Three video clips of young Cuban soldiers in Ukraine have surfaced recently. The videos were hacked from a Russian site. Apparently, Russian media doesn’t feel the need to hide the participation of foreign mercenaries in their imperialist war, even after their country of origin and the Kremlin have both denied their participation in the recruitment of such cannon fodder.

Loosely translated from Diario de Cuba

Cuban mercenaries who arrived in Russia to sign a contract with the Kremlin’s Armed Forces were seen on the war front, specifically in the positions of Russian troops in Ukraine, denounced the hacking group Inform Napalm, the same group that revealed months ago the conscription process of hundreds of them.

According to videos shared by the Telegram channel of that group, which obtains and disseminates sensitive information from the Russian side, obtained with cyberwar tactics, “the Russian occupiers do not hide the presence of Cubans in their positions, but, on the contrary, , they publish videos with foreign mercenaries”.

Two of the videos obtained by the group show alleged Cuban soldiers in military uniforms dancing to hip hop songs in English both in a barracks and in a troop formation.

A third video was recorded by a Russian soldier who jokes with a young man apparently of Cuban nationality, whom he teaches to speak Russian, while the young man responds by mentioning the term “nagüe” several times, widely used in the eastern region of Cuba. The young man in this video improvises dance steps holding a combat rifle, while being recorded by the Russian.

This last video was recorded in a trench. Likewise, the use of winter clothing by the soldiers who appear in the audiovisual suggests that it was recorded in recent weeks, after the arrival of winter in the conflict zone.

According to Inform Napalm, the soldiers in the videos would be fighting in the direction of Donetsk, a territory occupied by Moscow during its invasion of the neighboring country, which began in February 2022.

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