Leftist author of ‘Cuban Privilege’ book warmly received in Havana, thanked by dictatorship

Eckstein promotes her book in Havana, December 2023

From our Bureau of American Leftists Who Feel Uncomfortable in Miami with some assistance from our Bureau of Marxist Hate Mongers

Nothing new here. Rabid leftists who hate freedom-loving Cubans and write lie-laden books that portray them as evil vermin always receive warm welcomes in Havana.

This Marxist Witch of the Moment just happens to be the most recent to cast her polemical spells on the reading public. Many others have preceded her, and many more will follow in her footsteps. Unfortunately, it seems to be an incurable mental and spiritual disease.

Here’s hoping you’ll be cured some day, Professor Eckstein. Seriously.

Loosely translated from 14yMedio

“It is a pleasure not to be in a hostile environment, unlike in Miami,” American professor Susan Eckstein said this Friday at Casa de las Américas, amid laughter and the complicity of the public. Author of Cuban Privilege (Cambridge University Press, 2022), a controversial study on the immigration facilities granted to Cubans in the United States, the academic recalled that she was an old friend from Havana.

Eckstein, her hosts celebrated, has developed a “systematic work” to promote “the Cuban Revolution and its impact within the United States”, although – they clarified – always “from her academic position in Boston.” Her book has attracted “a lot of attention” from exile, they added, prompting laughter from those present at the allusion to Miami, where a tense presentation of the volume was organized last year.

The professor is no stranger to “the House of the Americas,” where she first visited in the 1970s, she said. “You may know the image on the cover of the book,” said the academic, showing a huge raft dragged by a crowd of Cubans during the so-called Maleconazo of 1994. The photo, which reminded emigrants in Miami of the painful journey between one shore and another, fleeing the desperation of the Special Period, was Eckstein’s starting point to criticize US immigration policies.

Why does Washington allow Cubans to enter and settle in US territory? Because, according to Eckstein, they are “white” – unlike Haitians, he noted -, there are “many” – 2.3 million, the majority in Florida, “the most suitable state to stay in,” he mocked – and they are “millionaires.” ” (several large Florida fortunes belong to Cuban-Americans). To facilitate this entry, the authorities have offered “unprecedented benefits”, the latest of which is the parole program promoted by the Joe Biden Administration.

Washington, the professor added, has always wanted to “overthrow the Cuban Revolution,” and one of the strategies has been to “attract the upper class” and professionals, to strip the regime of human capital.

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1 thought on “Leftist author of ‘Cuban Privilege’ book warmly received in Havana, thanked by dictatorship”

  1. Well, she’s obviously not concerned about openly giving the game away. Of course, at her age, maybe she figures there’s no point being especially “nuanced.” And wearing red, too. Nice touch.

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