Pope Francis encourages Communists: ‘Don’t back down, don’t give up’

From our Bureau of Marxist Popes with some assistance from our Sympathy for the Devil Bureau

Papa Che is at it again, openly displaying his political leanings, giving a pep talk to European Marxists. Yes, a pep talk. Not only did the Vicar of Christ meet with these communists — whose ideology has led to the slaughter of millions of Christians and other human beings — he actually encouraged them to persevere in the pursuit of their lofty goals. Yes, he said “don’t back off,” using a colloquial Argentine expression: “no se arrugen” (don’t wrinkle up).

“Oh”, some may say, “didn’t Jesus meet with tax collectors and prostitutes? Didn’t he also say ‘love your enemies’?” Yes, that’s true, but the gospels are clear about one significant point: Jesus met with these sinners and undesirables so they would repent. His mission was to get them to change their ways. And the gospels are also clear about another point that is relevant here: Those who weren’t inclined to repent, such as the Pharisees and Sadducees, were regaled with harsh words, such as “you snakes, you brood of vipers, How will you escape being condemned to hell?.” (Matthew 23.33)

And who could forget what Jesus did to the money changers at the Temple in Jerusalem? Yes, yes, Jesus H. whip-wielding Christ,” who could ever forget about the overturning of the tables and the expulsion of these men from the Temple? (John 2:15).

Unfortunately, the current occupant of the See of Peter doesn’t seem to remember certain facts about Jesus and his ministry on earth, nor does he seem interested in imitating Jesus’s behavior. During this so-called “dialogue” with men and women who espouse a murderous, violent, and inhumane ideology, Papa Che didn’t call for Marxists to repent. Instead he gave them a pat on the back and showered them with approval. Even worse, during this pep talk he failed to make any mention Christ, Christianity, or the Catholic Church’s condemnation of Communism and Marxism.

Funny thing, that painting in the photo above. It depicts Jesus pulling St. Peter out of the water (Mathew 12: 22-33) In the gospel account, Peter had just tried to walk on water, as Jesus was doing, but his lack of faith made him sink and cry out “Lord, save me!” .Immediately, says the gospel: “Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith, said Jesus, ‘why did you doubt?’ ”

Meditation of the day: What connection do you see between the story depicted in that painting and what was going on in that room at the Vatican?

From Life Site:

Hosting a Marxist-Christian dialogue group at the Vatican on Wednesday, Pope Francis urged them to “be open, in dialogue, to new ways,” while avoiding reiterating the Church’s consistent condemnation of Marxism.

Shortly before his weekly general audience on January 10, Pope Francis received a small delegation from the DIALOP group. DIALOP, according to its own description, is a “project of dialogue between Socialists/Marxists and Christians, involving intellectuals, academics, politicians, activists and students from several European Countries.”

In his address, the pope urged the Marxist and Christian attendees to “never lose the ability to dream.”

Today, in a world divided by war and polarization, we run the risk of losing the ability to dream. We Argentines say, “no te arrugues,” meaning “don’t back off.” This is my invitation to you as well: Don’t back off, don’t give up, and don’t stop dreaming of a better world.

Francis stated that “it is in imagination, the ability to dream, that intelligence, intuition, experience and historical memory come together to make us be creative, take chances and run risks.”

Punctuating the brief address, he gave three “attitudes” which he said would be “helpful for your efforts,” those being: “the courage to break the mould, concern for the less fortunate and support for the rule of law.”

While the DIALOP group is officially comprised of Marxists and Christians in dialogue, the pope did not mention Christ, Christianity, or the Church’s condemnation of Communism and Marxism at all.

Catholic teaching against Communism is very clear. Writing in Quadragesimo Anno, Pope Pius XI warned the entire Church about “the impious and iniquitous character of Communism.” Describing Socialism as slightly less violent, Pius XI firmly prohibited any attempts to marry Socialism and Catholicism:

Whether considered as a doctrine, or an historical fact, or a movement, Socialism, if it remains truly Socialism, even after it has yielded to truth and justice on the points which we have mentioned, cannot be reconciled with the teachings of the Catholic Church because its concept of society itself is utterly foreign to Christian truth.

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1 thought on “Pope Francis encourages Communists: ‘Don’t back down, don’t give up’”

  1. Bergoglio “understands” Marxists because he sympathizes with them, as opposed to seeing their perversity for what it is and acting accordingly–which it is his duty to do. That’s why he “understood” the blasphemous crucifix Evo Morales gave him, instead of being repelled by it and drawing back from it as from a viper.

    Again, just as Caesar’s wife was supposed to be above suspicion, the Vicar of Christ most certainly is–yet this pope keeps engaging in scandalous behavior, which Christ expressly forbade in no uncertain terms.

    Do the math. I don’t care what he says about anything, especially anything political, let alone Cuba.

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