The aria is “Ragion nell’alma siede” from the opera Il Mondo della Luna by Franz Joseph Haydn. With some exceptions (notably Mozart), 18th century operas are much less frequently performed, and thus much less familiar, than those of the 19th century. Part of the reason is that they require very technically difficult singing that is supposed to sound effortless, so just having a beautiful voice is not enough. But, when a singer is up to the task, it doesn’t even matter if one understands the words or not, because the voice acts like a virtuoso instrument producing amazing music.
The following lyrics in the original Italian and in English translation should give an idea as to what the aria is about:
Ragion nell’alma siede, regina dei pensieri, ma si disarma e cede se la combatte amor. E amor, se occupa il trono, di re si fa tiranno, e sia tributo o dono, vuol tutto il nostro cor.
Reason sits in the soul, queen of thoughts, but she is disarmed and forfeits if she is fought by love. And love, if it occupies the throne, like a king it becomes a tyrant, and be it a tribute or gift, it wants our entire heart.
The video below is from a live recital, so there is no studio trickery involved. The piano accompaniment is terrific, and Lisette (whom you all know by now is an internationally celebrated opera star) is wonderful. Do ignore the inexcusably tepid applause at the end–I pity the clods, but the performance was in Washington DC, not Vienna, and the audience must have consisted largely of vulgar politicians and dull bureaucrats unworthy of such singing.
Obviously I like opera, and I know something about it. Many excellent and successful sopranos cannot sing this kind of music because they don’t have the technique for it, which is akin to vocal gymnastics. Oropesa is exceptionally good at what she does, world-class, which is why they want her at all the best places.
It’s great to be able to show her off, because she’s the genuine article who has the goods and delivers, as opposed to a middling talent who may be rich and famous but still a middling talent. Enjoy the real thing.
Thanks for introducing me to Lisette Oropesa.