Song of the Day: Motherland by Cuban American country artist Orlando Mendez

Orlando Mendez, known as the “Cuban Cowboy,” sings Motherland, a song he wrote about the country of his parents and grandparents, which he has never seen, but still lives in his heart.

2 thoughts on “Song of the Day: Motherland by Cuban American country artist Orlando Mendez”

  1. Love his music! He’s very talented! I’m presuming he writes his own music. Makes me proud that he is so connected to his roots that he doesn’t care that being pro-freedom for Cuba is not a popular position to take in the world of entertainment.

  2. Love the song. Very talented fellow. Hope this song does well. Having been born in Havana and raised in Georgia I can relate.

    I like the fact that the Cuban diaspora taught their children and grandchildren about Cuba. Unfortunately the Cuba he is talking about no longer exists except in our collective memories.

    Culturally this fellow is like me: “un arroz con mango” and yet this ironically might be the hope of Cuba if the diaspora ever returns to rebuild Cuba. As history has demonstrated Cuba and Cubans need a different mindset.

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