Mr. President, where is your Sister Rashida moment?

Back in 1992, then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton had his Sister Souljah moment when he publicly confronted a black woman who made a racist remark. Clinton was right in challenging such a remark and benefitted politically because those were the days when the Democrats could say those things.

Could President Biden issue such a statement today calling out people who say “Death to America” or “We are Hamas”? Just read what The White House said:

“While every American has the right to peaceful protest, calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting Jewish students and the Jewish community are blatantly antisemitic, unconscionable and dangerous — they have absolutely no place on any college campus or anywhere in the United States of America,” White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said. “And echoing the rhetoric of terrorist organizations, especially in the wake of the worst massacre committed against the Jewish people since the Holocaust, is despicable.”

Okay, that’s nice — but where was President Biden? Where was the speech to the nation saying that those people do not belong in the Democrat Party or among his supporters? Or calling on the Hamas supporters that they are misguided and should not vote for him?

So far we have not heard that. It was a statement, but not directly from the President. Why? Maybe it has something to do with Michigan, the place where 13% or 100,000 voted uncommitted as advised by Congressman Rashida Tlalib.

Are those voters going to stay home if President Biden had his own Sister Rashida moment? Or call on Democrats to drop her from the party? Does President Biden have that kind of backbone? Don’t bet on it.

So we often hear that parties change over the years. They do and the party that nominated Clinton-Gore is no more.

Today’s Biden party is afraid of Muslim Arab American voters in Michigan, immigration activists, and Democrats who are letting crime run rampant in our cities.

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1 thought on “Mr. President, where is your Sister Rashida moment?”

  1. This is not news. Biden has been a fraud, a liar, anti Israel, never an enthusiastic supporter of blacks, and an all around NOT great guy his entire political life.
    Somehow to too many Americans he gives the impression that he is a nice guy. He never has been.
    If there are depictions on PBS, say, of tyranny or threats of dictatorship or other bad things, the implication is always of late that we must be careful not to support Trump because this is what he brings, chaos, and tyranny.
    But who has been the tyrant? Who has not kept America safe? Who has done nothing to stop the violence in Democrat run cities? Who has called January 6th the worst thing ever to happen to America? I heard not one word from Biden about violence in Dem run cities. And if he never condemned that, he has NO authority to say even one word about January 6th. And as you say, where is his condemnation of these anti American, anti western, anti semitic, pro terrorism demonstrations?

    The Left stole the election, stole America from law abiding citizens who love the Constitution, the left with Obama and Biden, made the destruction of my beloved country an easy possibility.

    But the worst is, too many Americans are believing the lies of the Left.

    Trump 2024!

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