Nicaraguan host of ‘The View’ goes ballistic on Sen. Marco Rubio for comparing prosecution of Trump to communist Cuba’s justice system

From our Bureau of Unleashed Leftist Latrine American Wrath with some assistance from our Bureau of Unhinged Infotainment

Hoo-wee! Ay Dios mio! Ana Navarro blew her top on “The View” yesterday, unleashing a torrent of invective against Senator Marco Rubio for saying that Trump’s trial was “a quintessential show trial” and “what you see in communist countries.”

As a refugee from communist Nicaragua who has spoken out in the past against Cuba’s human right abuses, one would expect Ms. Navarro to understand what Senator Rubio was getting at. But no, apparently, her hatred of Trump is so intense that she felt compelled to launch into an incoherent and illogical tirade.

Such is the intensity of lock-step thinking on leftist shows such as hers. Nothing new, mind you. Leftist logic is inherently loopy. But the intensity of her explosion is an indication of how polarized American politics has become.

From Fox News (includes video)

“The View” co-host Ana Navarro unleashed on Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., on Monday after he compared Donald Trump’s guilty verdict to the trials that took place in Cuba after Fidel Castro took over the country. 

“How dare you, Marco, how dare you? Fifty-six hundred Cubans, at least, were shot in front of firing squads. Another 1,200 were shot and died because of extrajudicial hearings. How dare you use their name in vain so that you can suck up to this man,” Navarro said, sounding enraged. “I know you want to be his vice president.”

Rubio told Fox News’ Sean Hannity during a recent interview that the Trump trial was “a quintessential show trial,” and said that while the ones in communist Cuba “led to executions,” the former president’s trial was an effort to influence an election. 

“Don’t you dare use the name of these people who died protecting freedom and compare our U.S. judicial system to what happens in Cuba, what happens in Nicaragua, what happens in Venezuela,” Navarro said. 

Fellow co-host Whoopi Goldberg said she’s heard from Cubans all her life who say they never want to see communism happen in the U.S. 

“How can they not recognize when the man says, ‘I’m going to be this guy.’ What’s – what are we missing?” Goldberg said. 

4 thoughts on “Nicaraguan host of ‘The View’ goes ballistic on Sen. Marco Rubio for comparing prosecution of Trump to communist Cuba’s justice system”

  1. Carlos, it may all be an act, not that it matters. This sort of rant is what this show is about, meaning this is what she’s getting paid to do. Besides, she has to keep up with the other shrill harpies. Just bad theater.

  2. The brown dress is a nice touch. Because brown person (regardless of actual race or skin color). Check.

  3. Well, if this is what it takes to get the people on The View to acknowledge that Castro’s Cuba is tyrannical in the extreme, okay, I’ll take it.

    • Except Navarro, who’s a good little “Latina” plantation dweller, wouldn’t think twice about trashing “those people” in South Florida (or wherever) if and when that was the PC thing to do.

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