Pregnant women in Cuban hospital fed worm-infested meals

Winning socialist recipe: Fricasé de gusanitos, con mojo de mosquitos Aedes Aegypti

From our Bureau of Socialist Nutrition Boosters with some assistance from our Bureau of Latrine American Medical Powerhouses

Yum! What a great new addition to Cuban cuisine: Fricasé de Gusanitos! In its infinite wisdom, Castro, Inc. is now allowing worms to be fed to expectant mothers, obviously as a means of making up for the lack of protein in their diets. One could not ask for a better display of the achievements of Castro, Inc.’s Sixty-five-year-long “Revolution.” A highly symbolic diet plan, for sure, given the way Castro, Inc. has employed the epithet “worms” for its opponents.

One suggestion to Castro, Inc. from Babalu: Given the fact that you are short on food, why not try out this protein enhancement plan on tourists at your luxury apartheid resorts. See how they respond.

Loosely translated from Cubanos Por El Mundo

Through social media, a complaint came to light about the disastrous and awful food provided to pregnant women at the South Mariana Grajales Coello Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital, also known as the “Los Ángeles” Clinic, in Santiago de Cuba.

The information was exposed by Yosmany Mayeta Labrada on his Facebook account, sharing the testimony of a young pregnant woman currently hospitalized in this center.

The images speak for themselves: the “food” comes, alarmingly and unbelievably, with worms, making it naturally inedible.

“I had to leave it right there, I couldn’t keep eating,” the affected woman communicated after making the situation public in a conversation with the journalist.

The affected woman also expressed her concern for the other patients, considering that many of them do not have close family support.

“In my case, I have my husband who can bring me food to supplement, but tell me, what are those who live in remote areas going to do? Who will bring food to them?” she said.

Unfortunately, complaints like these are becoming more common in the country, in addition to being a situation that endangers the physical integrity of pregnant women and the babies they carry.

In fact, recently, images circulated on social media of another “lunch” that pregnant women receive in the same medical institution in Santiago de Cuba.

At that time, it was known that the pregnant women were consuming a very unappetizing menu: rice, sweet potatoes, and eggplant seed water.

Meanwhile, the Castro regime continues to shout to the four winds its so-called “medical power,” clearly mocking the people cruelly.

1 thought on “Pregnant women in Cuban hospital fed worm-infested meals”

  1. Oh, Carlos. Don’t be so dramatic. Worms are a great source of protein. Most likely the only protein in that meal. Just be sure to chew completely. Enjoy!

    The Cuban leadership is finally getting enough help from gusanos that they are able to feed their people.

    As asombra often says, Cuba needs to accept its place as a third world country. Worms in your diet is common in Asia. Of course, what really hurts is Cubans not being able to eat at the same table as Spaniards, French, British and other civilized westerners. It is just one more sacrifice for the revolution. It will make the distant future reward of living in a communist paradise all the sweeter. Just hang in there.

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