Three brutal murders reported as crime wave intensifies in Cuba

Three most recent murder victims in Cuba

From our Bureau of Socialist Dismemberments, Femicides, and Other Such Horrors

Violent crime continues to increase in Castrogonia, not just in numbers, but also in brutality. See report on statistics below. As for brutality, the recent murder and dismemberment of a young man (image above) has sent shock waves through social media. In addition, two more women were murdered by their partners this week, bringing this year’s femicide toll to 33 according to one list, or 30 according to another. (Images above). One of the victims was only 16 years old.

Loosely translated from ADN Cuba

In the first half of 2024, there has been an increase in crime in Cuba, according to a recent report published by the Cuban Citizen Audit Observatory (OCAC).

The OCAC report, based on monitoring complaints on social media and in the press, reveals that during the first six months of 2024, 432 crimes were recorded in Cuba. This figure reflects a daily average of 2.37 crimes, significantly surpassing the numbers reported during the same period of the previous year. A comparative analysis shows a 152% increase in the crime rate.

Among the most serious crimes reported are 91 murders, 260 robberies, 39 assaults, and 29 cases of aggression, as well as 13 cases classified as other crimes. These data highlight a worrying 111% increase in murders, a 290% increase in assaults, and a 208% increase in robberies, indicating an unprecedented escalation of violence and crime on the island.

The OCAC report details that the victims of these 432 crimes included 254 people, among whom were 126 men, 98 women, and 22 minors. Additionally, damage was reported to 106 private properties and 33 state properties, demonstrating the deep and widespread impact of crime on Cuban society.

The study also notes that of the 564 identified criminals, the vast majority (518) were men, while 21 were women. The OCAC analysis indicates that 218 crimes were committed by individuals acting alone, while 113 were perpetrated by organized groups, pointing to an increasing level of coordination among criminals.

One of the most concerning aspects emerging from the report is the accusation of a lack of transparency and censorship by the Cuban government. The OCAC strongly criticizes the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) for their handling of public security, accusing them of constructing a “parallel virtual reality” aimed at minimizing the public’s perception of insecurity and controlling the official narrative.

According to the report, Cuban authorities keep the real crime data secret, sharing information sporadically and with questionable transparency. This situation, according to the OCAC, suggests that the actual crime figures on the island could be even higher than reported, further exacerbating concerns about safety in Cuba.

Moreover, the report emphasizes that corruption and organized crime are deeply rooted in Cuban society, contributing to the growing insecurity and violence. This reality is compounded by increasing poverty, accumulating garbage on the streets, and shortages of food and essential goods.

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