Nicaragua’s dictatorship exterminates 1,500 NGOs in one fell swoop

Rejoice, Nicaraguans, rejoice, you are now totally dependent on us! Feel the joy! How sweet it is!

From our Triangle of Latrine American Doom Bureau with some assistance from our Bureau of Leftist Latrine American Totalitarian Hellholes

Seeking to eliminate all non-governmental sources of aid to the Nicaraguan people, co-dictators Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo began to kill off NGO’s a while back. This war on NGO’s has just escalated significantly with the announcement that an additional 1,500 NGO’s were to shut down operations in Nicaragua immediately.

Once again, the Castro, Inc. Cuban Playbook is being followed. The chief objective is to make all Nicaraguans solely dependent on the government for everything they might need or want. A truly fiendish strategy, but nothing new. This is Latrine American socialism in action.

From Havana Times

In an unprecedented move, the Ministry of Interior has eliminated 1,500 Nicaraguan NGOs, accusing them of “failing to report” their financial statements for periods ranging from one to 35 years.

The majority of the eliminated NGOs are evangelical and Catholic, although there are also social, equestrian, business, educational, medical, indigenous, sports, ex-combatant, and legal organizations.

The mass cancellation was announced in the Official Gazette on Monday, August 19, 2024.

With the dissolution of these 1,500 organizations, the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo has eliminated a total of 5,163 NGOs since the end of 2018.

The closures, signed by the Minister of Interior, María Amelia Coronel Kinloch, state that regarding any properties and other assets of the eliminated NGOs, “it will be up to the Office of the Attorney General to transfer them to the name of the State of Nicaragua.”

The announcement came the same day the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship formalized a “new operational model” for NGOs, which —according to analysts— strips them of the autonomy of their projects and aims to control the resources they receive.

According to the new model, NGOs must submit “partnership program and project” proposals to the Ministry of Interior or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The proposals will be evaluated by Ortega, Murillo, and the relevant state institutions, depending on the subject matter. They will decide whether to accept or reject the initiative.

This measure is part of the regime’s ongoing crackdown against civil society organizations, whom they accuse —without evidence— of receiving money from other governments “to carry out destabilizing terrorist activities.”

1 thought on “Nicaragua’s dictatorship exterminates 1,500 NGOs in one fell swoop”

  1. Really, the Nicaraguan spectacle is too much, even by Latrine standards. I suppose the Evo Morales spectacle was comparably cringe, and then there was the Pedro Castillo spectacle, and the Mel Zelaya spectacle, and…on second thought, it’s not too much–it’s just distilled Latrine-ness.

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