Communist organization in U.S. sends 800 tons of flour to Cuba

From our Bureau of Parasitic Totalitarian States with some assistance from our Bureau of Communist Almsgiving

“Ordinary people” in the U.S. have answered the call from American communists to provide Castro, Inc. with much-needed assistance. Naturally, this charitable drive was based on the premise that the U.S. “blockade” is the sole cause of food shortages in Castrogonia. Yeah.

So, through an online begging campaign, the communists at “Let Cuba Live” collected enough money from “people of conscience” in the U.S. to purchase 800 tons of flour for Castro, Inc. Naturally, this flour will help the dictatorship’s apartheid tourist industry rather than the Cuban people.

From The Communist Party of Maine website

(Following our policy, we are not providing links to the propaganda outlets where this news story can be found . . .)

On August 30, US-based activists delivered 800 tons of flour to Cuba via the “Let Cuba Live: Bread for our Neighbors” campaign. This campaign has been months in the making, with the US-based Peoples Forum raising hundreds of thousands in donations, and intends to offset the effects of the deadly regime of US sanctions and the blockade against Cuba. Over 1,300 people donated to the campaign. 

“The concept of the campaign is simple: Cuba is our neighbor, and we can’t let our neighbors go hungry,” said Manolo De Los Santos, Executive Director of The People’s Forum. “This hunger is imposed directly by the White House, and Biden could end it right away by allowing Cuba to trade freely.”

Cuba is facing a significant food crisis due to the ongoing US economic war against the socialist island nation. Although, the US State Department claims that its blockade of Cuba exempts shipments of food, medicine, and other humanitarian goods. However, even US officials agree this does not reflect reality. As US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said back in March, “There’s a significant impediment to trade in Cuba because of [US] legislation that requires payment in advance in cash in US dollars which makes it very, very difficult for a lot of [agricultural] trade to take place.”

Campaign organizers themselves reported facing significant challenges in sourcing the bread for Cuba, despite receiving donations from thousands of people of conscience in the US. 

“The campaign organizers reached out to 14 different grain producers in the US to purchase the massive order but received not a single positive response. In order to successfully complete the delivery, the grain had to be shipped from Turkey and suffered delays because of the US government’s policy of extreme and arbitrary harassment of Cuba’s foreign trade, which is meant to create desperation for the people of Cuba and has brutal consequences,” Bread for our Neighbors activists reported.

4 thoughts on “Communist organization in U.S. sends 800 tons of flour to Cuba”

  1. First, it is a fantasy that there is a blockade on Cuba. Ships and planes from around the world enter daily to Cuba with no interference. Second, economic embargo? No. The Cuban regime buys in the US: cars, motorcycles, car parts, electric generators, whisky, beer, fruits, wheat, corn, cows, hens, eggs, chicken meat, canned beef, …
    What these communist guys want is that US businesses sell on credit. But, that cannot happen because the Cuban regime robbed US entrepreneurs and business owners over one billion dollars in illegal confiscations. Besides, the Cuban regimen does not pay its debts. In 2016, the Paris Club condoned $8,500 million dollars to the Cuban regime under their commitment to pay the $2,600 million balance owed in a 16 year term, but the Cuban regime has not paid a single dollar yet. The Cuban regime owes Argentina over $3,000 million, similar amount to Spain, and I may continue on and on naming billions in debts the Cuban regime does not pay. How anybody is going to given anything to them on credit? People are not stupid, but these communist guys want them to be.
    Are these guys assured that those donations are going to reach the people? I doubt it. First, there is a long experience that the regime sells the donations it receives to the people. I have evidences. And most of the donations sent to the island the regime deviates them to the tourist hotels. Look that Cuban kids do not have milk, but there is abundant milk for tourists at hotels. The same example applies to beef, fish, bread, etc.

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