While countless numbers of Cubans trying to escape the oppression of communist tyranny have been denied entry into the U.S., the Biden-Harris administration has a soft spot for the thugs who oppress them. Several high-ranking Cuban communist officials, prosecutors, and even State Security agents have been granted asylum in America, a slap in the face of the Cuban people both on the island and in exile.
Cuban independent journalist Alberto Mendez Castello, who has learned that State Security agents who persecuted and jailed him now live comfortably in the U.S., categorizes this shameful miscarriage of justice as “embarrassing,” and indeed it is.
Paradoxically, those whom the US immigration authorities have not denied refuge, humanitarian parole, or family reunification are, to give just this provincial example, two leaders of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and a state security officer who, precisely, carried out the task of persecuting me and even imprisoning me.
It is well known that in totalitarian regimes modeled after Soviet style, such as Castro-communism in Cuba, the system of physical and psychological terror is exercised by State Security, akin to attack dogs forming a pack, under the control of the PCC and its ideological departments.
Now residing in the United States is Misael Enamorado Dager, who not only victimized me but also many others with political oppression, as he served as the first secretary of the PCC in Las Tunas and Santiago de Cuba. As a member of the Central Committee, he was a direct subordinate of Fidel and Raúl Castro, and consequently, as a supervisor, an enforcer of repression.
Among the PCC officials also residing in the United States today is Roy Molina Campos, who, like Misael Enamorado, played a role in political repression, albeit on a smaller scale.
Roy Molina was the first secretary of the PCC in Puerto Padre, during the same days when many, including myself, were imprisoned in the police cells of that city due to our political opinions. I must emphasize that Roy Molina, as the first secretary of the PCC in Puerto Padre, acting as an agent of marginalizing influence, went so far as to say that, due to my political ideas, I was a “person of ill repute” in the area, a vilification to which his interlocutor responded, “Listen, when you were still in diapers, this man was already respected in this town.”
And Eduardo Velázquez Infante, until recently a senior official of State Security and later a political oppressor by profession, now resides in the United States thanks to humanitarian parole. The oppressor of people and political causes whom he referred to as “worms” and “counterrevolutionaries” entered the United States through Miami Airport, after March 20, 2023.
As far as I am concerned, Eduardo Velázquez Infante, along with other state security henchmen, conducted acts of police harassment against me and personally directed the arbitrary detention that constitutes the crime of deprivation of liberty, which occurred ‘upon leaving the telecommunications center in Puerto Padre, Las Tunas, at 9 a.m. on Thursday, March 22, 2012,’ as we have previously reported.
It is distressing to see the Biden-Harris administration giving Cuban communist thugs humanitarian parole, but not surprising. After all, Democrats admire the Castro dictatorship and consider their henchmen to be the good guys.
Do not underestimate the appeal of sticking it to “those people.”