Roll call at a ‘decolonization’ class in Cuba

By Alen Lauzan in Mazzantini Magazine:

Let’s do a roll call before starting our class on decolonization: Alyosha Bello, Anatoly Perez, Andrei Coto, Annushka Garcia, Boris Rodriguez, Dasha Perez, Iosef Soto, Milenka Mora, Natacha Izquierdo, Svetlana Benitez, Vladimir Ochoa…

Vladimir is not here, Professor Karenina.

1 thought on “Roll call at a ‘decolonization’ class in Cuba”

  1. The fad for Russian names (later replaced by the fad for cringe made-up names starting with Y) was worse than embarrassing. Nobody HAD to give a kid a Russian name, so those who did it were either after brownie points or so shallow and stupid that they copied what others were doing to be “fashionable.” Maybe a few were “true believer” types, but those were always a pretty small minority. Lord, the disgust.

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