From our Bureau of Updates on Missing Bloggers with some assistance from our Bureau of Black Monitor Screens, our Bureau of Election Yard Signs, our Halloween Bureau, and our Bureau of Daughters of Former U.S. Presidents.
Untranslated from the Exile Twilight Zone
You might have noticed that there have been fewer posts on Babalu over the past few days. For a partial account of what caused this interruption and some meditations on this special season, see the rest of this post below.
This interruption in posting is due largely to the fact that two of us have been away on extremely time-consuming business trips. And it is also due to the fact that all three of the computers used by Tres Fotutos stopped working.
Was Tres Fotutos hacked? He doesn’t know, but suspects that it could be the cause of all three malfunctions. Right now he only has one partially-functional laptop at home. His Yale office computer was fixed yesterday, but he is working at home today. The computer expert who repaired his office computer said he had never encountered anything as rare as the sudden collapse of three computers, all with the same glitch.
Tres Fotutos was in Greenville, South Carolina for four days, where he didn’t encounter a single Cuban. He was also unable to keep up with news from Cuba. So he’s catching up right now.
Last night he went Trick-or-Treating in his semi-rural neighborhood with the children of his son’s best friends. It was delightful to see those boys going door to door, even though the distance between houses was sometimes considerable.
Unfortunately, Tres Fotutos saw more Harris/Walz lawn signs than he cared to count. Way too many. And only one Trump sign. One of the Kakamala signs read as follows: “Kamala Harris, Obviously”, another read “Harris/Walz, Save Democracy”. Several signs said: “Pro-America, Anti-Trump.”
These are the same folks who keep re-electing Castro-loving congresswoman Rosa DiLauro, year after year. She often runs unopposed. These are my neighbors, all of whom are somewhat affluent and living the American dream.
This morning, Tres Fotutos read Asombra’s post on Barbara Bush’s endorsement of Kakamala, and was reminded of the fact that he served as director of Barbara’s senior essay. She was a Humanities major. And she told him no other professor at Yale was willing to serve as her advisor. They had all turned her away.
Yet, that lesson in liberal intolerance and discrimination seems to have had little effect on her. Maybe Professor Tres Fotutos should have let her know what flack he took for saying “yes” to her request, and described how angry some of his colleagues were after they found out that he had agreed to direct her senior essay.
So it goes, as Kurt Vonnegut might have said. So it goes . . .
Your interesting anecdote about Barbara Bush suggests that my speculation about her may be correct, namely, that she got tired of being on the “wrong” side, and paying for it, and figured it was better to be PC. Evidently, at Yale she was an apestada, and now she could easily get invited to The View. Very sad.