Robert F. (“We have a lot to learn from Castro’s Cuba”) Kennedy Jr, whose mother “loved Che Guevara” to the point of naming her dog after the Stalinist, mass-murdering terrorist, and whose wife describes Fidel Castro as “SWEET!” displeased with Trump’s pic of Rubio as Sec. of State

The Hill reported on Monday that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom Trump has allowed to weigh in on the makings of his second administration, had “expressed opposition” about Rubio having a major foreign policy role.

“RFK Jr’s wife Cheryl Hines even once had lemonade with Fidel Castro at his house in Cuba,” reported the Daily Mail .’We went to Cuba, this was probably 10 years ago, while we were there, my husband wanted to see if we could visit with Mr. Castro,’….

‘When we got to the hotel, there was a guy in a white linen suit who said, “El Presidente will see you.” ‘They came and picked us up in a van, it was a nice van, I was like, “Woah, what’s happening?”

‘We got to his house and he was wearing a track suit. We sat down with him, [my husband] and him spoke in Spanish for a while. ‘They talked about assassination attempts, as one does when you’re drinking lemonade. ‘He was sweet. It was the best lemonade I’ve ever had, I don’t know what was in it but it was fantastic.”

Babalu readers well know that most of those assassination attempts were utterly bogus, mostly brainstorming by probably drunken CIA popinjays.  But naturally RFK Jr, swallowed Castro’s hoary propaganda hook, line and sinker. To wit:

 “Despite its poverty, Cuba has managed some impressive accomplishments. Cuba’s government boasts the highest literacy rates for its population of any nation in the hemisphere” ….blah…blah…blah.” I’ll spare you the rest of RFK Jr’s regurgitations of Castroite propaganda in his article for the Inter Press Service from Jan. 2015,

“My mom loves Che Guevara. Her dog is named Che,” her son, Robert Kennedy Jr., told The NY Post.

Several fascinating questions now arise: Was that Che pic present in RFK’s office in the early 1960’s, when he was head of the famous Operation Mongoose, purportedly a Kennedy/CIA plan to assassinate Fidel Castro and overthrow his regime? If so, there’s no indication the Che pic was used as a dartboard, as it sits alongside what are (presumably) revered Kennedy family members.

Now, if the man (Robert F. Kennedy) tasked with overthrowing the Castro regime kept a cherished picture of Che Guevara in his home office, are there any more questions why Fidel Castro died peacefully in bed at 90?

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