Communist Cuba not only suffers from being one of the most censored countries in the world when it comes to internet access, it is also one of the slowest. The reasons for this have nothing to do with sanctions or lack of resources, but because that’s how the Castro dictatorship wants it to be. They need to maintain complete control over all information flows.
One easy way to bypass the Cuban regime’s censorship and slow internet access is through a satellite internet connection, and Elon Musk’s Starlink system is perfectly suited to do that in Cuba. That is why U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar is trying to convince Musk to help give Cubans an opportunity to access information, which will hopefully help them access freedom as well.
Cuban-American Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar recently held discussions with financial mogul Elon Musk regarding the prospect of delivering unrestricted Internet access to Cuba. Musk, who owns Starlink, a company committed to providing affordable broadband Internet service, listened to the Republican politician’s aspirations to bring connectivity to the Cuban people.
“It was fantastic to talk with Elon Musk this morning,” Maria Elvira shared on her X account. “We have the technology; we just need the willpower. We can make it happen!” she emphasized.
Of course, internet free of government control will not liberate the Cuban people from the chains of communism all by itself, but it will definitely provide a vital tool in achieving that goal. Let’s hope Elon Musk heeds the call and agrees to help.
It’d be great if Musk helps Cuba, but that would make very rich Dem Cuban(oid)s look even worse.