1973: The day Gerald Ford became Vice-President

As my late father used to say, we saw a lot of political upheaval, but there were no soldiers or tanks in the streets. Yes, the U.S. saw vice-president Agnew resign, a new VP Gerald Ford selected by Congress, and no bullets were flying. We recall that today was one of those days when political maturity was in full display for all to see.

On this day in 1973, Representative Gerald Ford became Vice President of the US, following the resignation of VP Agnew. David Shribman wrote an article reminding us of just how fortunate we were that Gerald Ford was the man who assumed the office.

Put me down as one of those who believes that President Ford was a great president.  He did not fight a war or deal with an economic depression.  He did restore the presidency, and that’s no small achievement. As President Carter said after taking the presidential oath:   

“For myself and for our Nation, I want to thank my predecessor for all he has done to heal our land..”

Yes, we should all thank President Ford for healing the nation.  It was no small task. 

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3 thoughts on “1973: The day Gerald Ford became Vice-President”

  1. Well, the Nixon resignationwas coming, yes Nixon blew it with the cover up, then we just let North Vietnam takeover the South and then came Carter.
    Carter the most unqualified person to be president. Sanctimonious and very full of himself. Thank God Reagan got elected in 80.. With all that I yet to see a president grab Latin America by the testicles, starting with Cuba, so in January it will 66 years of communism. Vamos bien. Maybe Trump will some teeth into that embassy that we have in Havana. this time.

  2. What Nixon did was small potatoes compared to what Dem presidents have repeatedly done, both before and after Nixon, yet Carter still voted for the train wreck named Kamala. He deserves zero respect.

  3. Gerald Ford was not selected by Congress. He was the Speaker of the House and in the succession plan, if the elected President and Vice President cannot exercise their offices the Speaker of the House is next in line. 9th grade Civics!

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