For those who think lifting sanctions on Cuba’s communist dictatorship will help the “private sector” flourish and eventually bring freedom to the island, the totalitarian Castro regime has some news for you. Any semblance of free markets in Cuba is allowed only if it helps keep the Cuban Communist Party stay in power. All others will be destroyed.
Official: in Cuba the private sector’s mission should not be to make money, but to ‘support the Revolution’
Although he acknowledges that ‘the offensive’ against the sector has not yielded the expected results, Díaz-Canel stressed what has been achieved at the cost of Cubans’ further impoverishment.
If at this point anyone harbored any doubts that the Cuban regime has only allowed the limited existence of a private sector on the island insofar as it serves its primary objective, to remain in power, Miguel Díaz-Canel dispelled them this Friday, criticizing that this sector seeks to enrich itself rather than “support the Revolution” in remarks at the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee’s 9th Plenary Session.
“As long as there is confusion about the relationships that must exist between the State and the non-State sectors, and the role of each in the economy, we are going to stumble, with misunderstandings, deformations, and corruption, illegality, and not in a constructive environment,” said the president, according to the regime’s Cubadebate portal.
According to the Cuban leader, it is necessary to ensure that “at the territorial, municipal and national levels, that sector must be aligned with the Economic Plan, so that it is really participating in our economic and social development strategies, from the locality to the nation, as otherwise everything will be nothing but empty discourse.”
“Today they produce goods, provide services, and engage in exporting and importing, but if they do so however they like, without conforming to the plans, without paying taxes to support development needs, then everything is empty discourse that we end up never realizing,” he lamented.
“If we are not able to fix that, we will have a non-State sector that’s not with the Revolution, that’s not contributing to the Revolution, that’s thinking only of itself and not of everyone, and that is ideological,” the state media source quoted the first secretary of the PCC as saying.
“It is up to us, as a Party, to organize that by ensuring that all state institutions fulfill the functions that they must, thereby shifting from diagnosis to the necessary ordering and control actions,” he said.
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But of course. This went without saying from the beginning of this charade. Well, I suppose it has to be spelled out for the usual suspects, but that will make no difference since they’re willfully blind anyway.