If you take the time to read just one thing this weekend seriously consider this article…
Wayne Allyn Root outlines why ObamaCare is going as planned, and is not a “trainwreck”, but the red train charging down the tracks headed for the destruction of our nation’s political, societal and cultural structure … and if the GOP intends to survive the real destruction planned by Obama they had better get their heads out of their collective asses and stand-up to it now.
The GOP needs to stop calling ObamaCare a “trainwreck.” That means it’s a mistake, or accident. That means it’s a gigantic flop, or failure. It’s NOT.
This is a brilliant, cynical, and purposeful attempt to damage the U.S. economy, kill jobs, and bring down capitalism.
It’s not a failure, it’s Obama’s grand success.
It’s not a “trainwreck,” ObamaCare is a suicide attack. He wants to hurt us, to bring us to our knees, to capitulate- so we agree under duress to accept big government.
Obama’s hero and mentor was Saul Alinsky — a radical Marxist intent on destroying capitalism. Alinksky’s stated advice was to call the other guy “a terrorist” to hide your own intentions.
To scream that the other guy is “ruining America,” while you are the one actually plotting the destruction of America. To claim again and again…in every sentence of every speech…that you are “saving the middle class,” while you are busy wiping out the middle class.
The GOP is so stupid they can’t see it. There are no mistakes here. This is a planned purposeful attack.
The tell-tale sign isn’t the disastrous start to ObamaCare. Or the devastating effect the new taxes are having on the economy. Or the death of full-time jobs. Or the overwhelming debt. Or the dramatic increases in health insurance rates. Or the 70% of doctors now thinking of retiring- bringing on a healthcare crisis of unimaginable proportions. Forget all that.
The real sign that this is a purposeful attack upon capitalism is how many Obama administration members and Democratic Congressmen are openly calling Tea Party Republicans and anyone who wants to stop ObamaCare “terrorists.”
There’s the clue. Even the clueless GOP should be able to see that.
They are calling the reasonable people…the patriots…the people who believe in the Constitution … the people who believe exactly what the Founding Fathers believed…the people who want to take power away from corrupt politicians who have put America $17 trillion in debt…terrorists?
And that isn’t even the meat of it. You must read the full article. We are in serious trouble.
I too have been saying for the last five years how Obama is not failing as everyone is perceiving him to be. He is failing by our own common sense standards, yes, but common sense like personal responsibility is intentionally becoming extinct. It’s as if people honestly expect him to do things the obviously correct way to fix the mess. However, all this devolution of our rights, the economy, and even our societal/cultural mentality serves his agenda and the ongoing progressive/socialist/communist/Marxist revolution’s purpose in this country.