Biggest “golpe” against the dictatorship

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Back in December 1972, Nicaragua was hit by a horrible earthquake. It killed 10,000 people, devastated villages, and may have been the beginning of the end of Somoza’s reign. The damage exposed the corruption and inefficiencies of the regime.

Back in September 1985, Mexico City was hit by a massive “terremoto”. It killed many and was devastating to the ruling party.   It was clear to most Mexicans that corruption had a lot to do with all of those modern buildings that collapsed.   The PRI, or the ruling party that governed Mexico for most of the 20th century was never the same after that day.

In the spring of 1986, the old USSR had a nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. We learned over time what most people suspected:   The Chernobyl accident in 1986 was the result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personnel.

A couple of days ago, an air crash in Cuba killed 100 people and exposed some serious problems in the Castro regime: poorly maintained aircrafts and a government willing to risk peoples’ lives for hard currency.

Let me add a couple of personal references.

A few years ago, I was in Mexico for Christmas and met a man who flew commercial flights. He told me that many Mexicans refuse to work for “Cubana”, the once private airline now another state company. He said that Cuba is not up to date on maintenance.

Just yesterday, a Canadian friend, who is very familiar with Cuba, told me that it’s the end of tourism. “What foreigner is going to fly in a Cuban domestic flight?” he said.

We don’t want to politicize a terrible tragedy and we pray for the families.

Nevertheless, there is a legitimate question: Can Cuba maintain commercial flights? The answer is, not good enough to get on a plane.

Is this the biggest “golpe” ever?    Let me say yes. There is only explanation for this crash:   Cuba is flying planes that it should not be flying! Poor Diaz-Canel!

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